Alarms rang through the hastily constructed RTF FOB in Akhua District. Maihs geist quickly informed her that Task Force 29 was needed immediatly in response to a Combined Army assault on the district. Moving quickly, she grabbed her rifle, ammunition, and helmet running for the mustering area. As she got there, the rest of her unit was already filtering in, checking weapons and equipment. Civilians the base was protecting began running for cover and safe areas, getting out of the way.
"Combined Army contact to the west, only 4 kilometers." Maih began repeating the information her geist was giving her, as it proactively made objective points on her comlog. "Onbasi Tilki, get your squad, Fahim, and Palavi with me. Sekhmet get to recon, and Khepri, take Ein-213 again, and act in support of Sekhmet. Lets go, looks like additional information states its a MAF, so be ready for CQB."
The unit moved through the buildings of the Akhua Liesure District carefully. Khepri, and ein-213 on the flank with a Fanous, Sekhmet moving along side with Mau. Asil Tilki, Neema and her Missile Launcher, Talibah the Doctor, Haley and her Missile Launcher, and lastly Haroun, the hacker were taking position in a short building with good sight over their AO. Fahim, Palavi, and Maih moved up with a couple Fanous around a large house. A lone Rafiq situated itself between the two main forces.
"Ra'id, we have a CSU here. Hes employed by one of the local businesses, and is willing to give information and assistence." Sekhmets voice came through the comlog.
"Understood, I can authorize payment. Put him under Khepris command." Maih responded.
"Got it, he says he can confirm Morat forces moving through the district. Apparently some alien computer consoles appeared around here yesterday, hes providing positions to all four."
The map on Maihs comlog updated with 4 distinct markings in the district, "I got them. Lets move out, and take control of these consoles."
Turn 1
"Contact! I see smoke rising directly ahead, and movement in the smoke!" Haley called out over the comlog.
Two massive Kaitoks, and a Rindak suddenly burst from the smoke infront of Sekhmet, Mau, Ein-213, and the CSU. They all immediatly opened fire, but a flammenspear suddenly impacted Ein-213, the blast enveloping the Rafiq and the Fanous, damaging them. Sekhmet and Mau immediatly began dodging forward, as the CSU's crackshot from his Breaker Rifle slammed into one of the Kaitoks armor, damaging it.
This slowed them very little as they moved onwards towards the house containing Fahim, Maih, and Palavi. Palavi, immediatly sensing the danger, yelled, "Looks like they know where we are, lets get out of here."
The Doctor immediatly, leapt through a window of the house and onto the street as the Morat hunting group disappeared around the corner. As they approached the door, their quantronic signature pinged on Harouns hacking device and he immediatly shut one down. This detered them little though as the Rindak burst into the door way. Maihs shots went wide as the Morats SMG pur several rounds into her direction, one of which catching her leg. Another burst on Fahim, put the khawarij down. The Rindak then moved along the buildings wall to see a fanous behind Tilki's squad, opening up, he did not notice the other Fanous nearby, extending Harouns hacking range. The hacker immediatly shut down the Morat remote. Finding themselves free of hackers in their area, the small hunting group reset themselves as Sekhmets motor cycle began roaring from down the street.
The biker and Mau immediatly burst from behind a building, the great cat loaping along the bike as they sped. One of the Kaitoks opened up with its chain rifle, but both of them veered to the side, the chains of metal roaring passed. The bore down on the first Kaitok, Maus' limited use rail driver firing into the armored Morat as it sprayed the cat in chain rifle shot. Sekhmet responded as well, spraying down the entire group with her own chain rifle. Both the front Kaitok, and Rindak fell to the withering fire as the last Kaitok turned to face the threat.
Driving over the downed Morats, Sekhmet took out her heavy pistol, and with a boost of gas, kicked her back wheel out sweeping under the kaitok. With a great crash the heavy armored Morat fell to the ground as the bike swept around with a screech. With swift fingers she fanned the hammer into the alien, the heavy rounds thudding home and keeping the beast down for good.
Palavi poked her head back into the house and saw Maih and Fahim proping themselves against a wall administering their own first aid. Fahim gave Palavi a thumbs up. Nodding Palavi hefted her shot gun and sprinted towards the two story structure across the street. The streets were odly quiet as she came to a stop by the corner. According to her overlay, there should be a console right on the other side of the building. Sprinting around the corner she got to the console and quickly looked it over. It was very foreign, the symbols on the keypad were nothing like she had seen. She began pressing buttons at random but nothing was happening.
Question marks suddenly appeared on her comlog from Haroun, looking behind her, she saw him watching from the other side of the street, "Why don't you come over here and push these buttons, Tech Support?!"
Haroun shook his head and ducked back into the house.
"By Allah, I am a Doctor!" She yelled at the street as she picked up her shotgun and hit the butt on the keypad, "Not a hacker!"
The console suddenly beeped and came to life, data began pouring into her comlog.
"Oh...perhaps I can diversify."
A green thumbs up and a smiley face emoticons suddenly scrawled over her comlog from Haroun, making her groan. Taking a moment she launches herself into the air and up over the parapet of the second floor, going prone on the roof.
Further down the street, the CSU ran forward, his augmented legs making him extremely fast as he got to another of the consoles, and looking it over, found he had no idea how it worked. "Hey-yo Hokk-girl! I cant get this thingamabob to work!"
Khepri came running up behind him shooting a glare, "Khepri, my name is Khepri!"
"Eh, whuteva, tomatoe-tomatah. You able ta get this?"
"What? No, its in alien, I cant read it."
"Then whut are we here for huh?"
Turn 2
Smoke suddenly erupted along a two story building across the district, bathing the whole area in concealment. Neema suddenly exclaimed as she saw a shape moving through the smoke, and her missile launcher leapt to her shoulder, spouting flame as the projectile went streaking through the air, impacting with the Yaogat sniper. A few moments went by until suddenly a shot came streaking from the smoke, hitting her squarely in the chest, dropping her to the roof. Before Haley could figure out where the shot came from, another Yaogat sniper strode from the smoke on the second story of a building, and put two rounds into the Zhayedan, dropping her to the roof as well, wounded.
"Be warned, sniper on the roof top, second story building." She relaid into her comlog, swearing as her auto-medikit failed to diagnose the wound and activate.
Sekhmet revved her bike, "Ill move around on them!"
The bike roared as she took off, riding down the large wall of a warehouse, passed Khepri and the CSU still arguing over the console, and coming around the warehouse rear. An enemy CSU and a batroid dodged our of the way as she roared around, her heavy pistol firing. Thats when she saw the squad of Morats, and the daturazi behind a series of buildings. Her engine revved up as came screaming around the building, and behind the daturazi. Two shots from the Yaogat sniper hit her and the bike, but adrenaline kept her going. Her chain rifle spat shards of metal and chain down the street with a metalic shriek, as the Daturazi tried to slash at her with its strange axe, but the blade cut into the chain rifle, breaking it, but not before the alien took metal shards to its side, and the Dartok behind it taking some too. The white morat, Kornak, dodged out of the way before getting hit and snarled in frustration.
Sekhmet grined and kicked the bike back into gear, and raced towards the intimidating Morat officer. Slidding to a halt, she brought her pistol up, spitting out two shots, but the skilled alien brought his hide blade up, shielding himself from the shots, and then counter attacked, the blade slamming into the woman and knocking her down into the street, bleeding.
Khepri leaves the CSU behind, frustrated by the mercenary and darts along the warehouse, following behind Sekhmet. Running through the open, she dodges passed a narrow alley covered by the sniper, and posts up behind some shipping containers.
Turn 3
Kornaks angry roar could be heard across the district as he hefted his gun and came charging down the primary street and across the warehouse. Slamming open the door in the bottom floor, he scans the room finding nothing. Hearing the activity below her, Palavi began rolling along the roof top towards the roof access hatch, and pulling out her shotgun. She listened to the rampaging bull below her, until suddenly the hatch burst open and the white morat pulled himself up onto the roof. She didnt wait, the shotgun kicked as it sent a slug into the back of the alien, but his armor caught the round. Turning, he roared, opening up with his Mk12. Rounds burst around Palavi, as she rolled around the rooftop, racking another round and firing. Finally a round slammed into Palavi as she got to her feet, and slammed her back with the heavy round. Moving to the corner of the building, Kornak, began laying down supressive fire below.
Khepri heard the advance of an enemy soldier from the other side of the shipping containers. Moving carefully along the side, she came within sight of the ikadron first. A quick burst of her Breaker rifle put the remote down, and she quickly moved up the side, and let loose with her shotgun around the corner. The enemy CSU was caught by suprised byt managed to quickly fire off his nanopulsar, catching Khepri. The Namurr shook off the hit though, and moved into the warehouse to find another of the alien consoles. Quickly climbing up the ladder tot he second floor, she wrestled with the buttons for a few moments before activating the console. From the otherside of the warehouse, the CSU they hired poked his head in with a dumb grin, "Got the console beepin luv!"
Khepri groaned.
My opponent ran a Kaitok and Rindak Haris straight down the middle with his orders to eliminate my primary attack haris, and kill my Key Ops (Khawarij Doctor). This prevented him though from having anything captured first turn. Carmen and Batard (Sekhmet and Mau) also had a great deal of luck in their runs, the +4 ARM booty roll making most of what he threw at her bounce.
Mission: Superiority
OP: 9-0 Ramah - Morats
Friday, June 30, 2023
Tuesday, June 27, 2023
Operation Walrus: Battle of Akhua
"'Aqid, we are tracking anti-orbital fire targetting the Halmeoni. Estimated impact of 31 minutes." The voice of a technician broke through the silence of the adh-Dhibs' bridge.
"Aye, send me the information. So much for Brutus and his cease fire, Surface Warfare, confirm trajectory." Fayaz Aafah responded, as a ding on his comlog announced the arrival of the afformentioned data. He was able to quickly confirm what was said, and began calmly relaying additional orders, "Helm, bring us 15 degrees clockwise rotation X axis, 20 degrees clockwise rotation Y axis. Ordinance and Gunnery get me intercept calculations and prepare to fire a Tor."
"'Aqid, we have confirmation of four launches, and calculations have all but 1 being a miss. The 1 appears to be a near miss, and we expect the Halmeoni's PDS to take care of it. Estimated impact is TM 31 minutes 22 seconds, weather depending."
"Understood, stand by and wait for confirmation that we see Halmeoni activating. Ping them and confirm they are tracking."
"Aye sir, Comms, confirm order?"
Another woman on the bridge, responded with a nod, "Comms confirming, contacting Halmeoni."
Fayaz sat back and crossed his legs, waiting for his order to be complete when another communications officer spoke up, "Sir, we have orders from HHC coming through for TF29. Orders include confirmation of reciept from us and preparation of medical and civilian facilities surface side."
"Understood, send confirmation and contact medical bay. Send the orders through to Maih. Prepare our two Roc's and personel to be placed under her authority for mission."
"Sir, Ordinance and Gunnery confirms load and are locked on target. Actively tracking."
Twenty minutes later Maih Aafah was projecting a district of Akhua to a conference room full of about fifteen of her soldiers, "This is Akhua Liesure District. With Brutus taking over the city and law enforcement being disrupted, Submondo has taken the opportunity to take it over. We have a number of innocent people getting caught in this gang warfare thats erupting. The mercenary soldiers under Brutus orders are also taking advantage, and the situation has deteriorated. Our objectives are too pull out as many people as we can, and set up a FOB on the edge of the district. We will be taking the MSMC dropship down, and onece the area and personel are secure, two Rocs with medical personel, and additional forces from Squads B and C will follow. Questions?"
"What is ROE?" Fahim asked.
"ROE is being sent, we will have other Sword of Allah forces in the area, so ensure you confirm target, there will also be civilians that we are rescueing, so confirm IFF marks."
"What enemy forces are we expecting?" Haley spoke up.
"Unconfirmed besides Submondo gangsters. It is Submondo though so they could have hired any kind of mercenaries. Again, if they are not flagged friendly, and are armed, they are hostile."
After waiting a few moments for additional questions, Maih continued, "Get your equipment ready, the dropship leaves in 15."
The dropship shook violently as the hard seats and harnesses dug into her butt and shoulders. Everything rattled, and Mau's growls and whines could be heard through the bay. Finally with a final thud, the ship was landed and the ramp opened, allowing the harnesses to release. Ripping her rifle from its secure retainer next her, Maih slammed a magazine home and racked the bolt, and yelled out, "Alright, were dirtside, lets move out! You have your individual orders so lets go!"
Sekhmets bike roared to life, the engine giving a gutteral rumble as Mau stretched and shook the ride from his bones. Moving forward, Asil took her fireteam into a large three story partment complex to provide over watch with Haley's and Neemas Missile Launchers. They had a wide sweaping area of fire infront of them into most of the AO as civilians were running around in panic. People filled the streets, and smoke rose from several areas. Maih with her MSV goggles, marksman rifle, Palavi the doctor, and Fahim with his Spitfire took up a house to the right of the apartment complex with Sekhmet and Mau, and her motorcycle, and Kephri, and the Rafiq Ein-213 along with an additional Rafiq and a couple Fanous spread out.
"I have JSA forces pushing through the civilians ahead." Came Haleys voice over the comlog. "Keisotsu on the roof top, motor cycles moving in the streets below."
Turn 1
"Confirmed." Maih responded, "Sekhmet, get some smoke out, cover us."
With a pop, the smoke grenade clangs down into the street outside of the house. The smoke begins billowing in the street as Fahim leads the way, moving quickly through it followed by Maih, and Palavi. Moving up to a corner of the next house, Fahim holds his hand up, peaking around the corner. At the end of the street, a Japanese man with dual katanas strides, making vulgar gestures and dangerous swings at the civilians, laughing. Stepping back from the corner, the large khawarij raises his spitfire and steps out, the assault weapon roaring as a stream of tracers flash down the street, impacting with the man. His form flashes, and a bashi bazouk appears briefly in the flash of blood as it collapses to the street. A brief shimmer on a roof top suddenly catches his eye, making him dive back into cover.
"Mimetic operatives on the roof, lets move back to the other side of the building."
Quickly leading the team along the side of the house, he comes out to the left, and catches sight of the Keisotsu with missile launcher looking down the street. Again leaning out form cover, the Khawarij's spitfire roar, the super soldiers accute accuracy leading the rounds straight into the Japanese soldiers chest, the woman falling back to the ground. Moving up further, he sights the mimetic field, tracers streaming into what appeared to be thin air before cracklses, sparks and air distortions reveals the Ryuken soldier as its optical disruptor fails and collapses with the operative.
"Moving up to the roof top to provide over watch." Fahim reports back to Maih as he braces and launches himself up and backwards onto the roof top. He catches sight of a domaru peaking out from cover as he is in the air, and with a snap the spitfire was at his shoulder, roaring with fire as he leapt behind the parapet of the house. The rounds, again finding purchase in their target, the heavy armor unable to stop the accurate fire as it hammered into it.
Khepri and Ein-213 were dashing between the houses, taking advantage of Fahims accurate and whithering fire. The Namurr quickly made it up to the house Fahim was using and vaulting up the walls and over the parapet she landed behind him, "On you Fahim."
The Khawarij nodded, "Understood."
Just then smoke erupted in the street below, obscuring their vision forward, and they heard the roar of a motorcycle coming up to the building. Khepri began moving along the roof as smoke blossomed ontop, completly engulfing Fahim as he began trying to dodge out of the smoke. Suddenly, a shadow darted over the roof top, and Khepris hairs stood up, prompting her to quickly draw her blade just in time for a monofilament katana to appear from the air, slashing down on her. The katana and scimitar locked at the hilt at Shinobu Kitsune made herself known. The woman was fast though, and with a flash the blade bit into Khepris arm before the Namurr could push her back. Another flash of monofilament to her stomach though and she gasped, collapsing back against the wall just as Fahim burst from the smoke and saw the scuffle.
Shinobu quickly darted around the super soldier, fast as lightning, raising her combi rifle before Fahim could draw his pistol, blasting rounds into his back. With a thud, the man fell to the roof top bleeding. The shadow quickly darted into the smoke and the corner of the building above Maih and Palavi.
Turn 2
"Sekhmet, we need you and your cat, clear the way for us!" Maih yelled over the comlog.
Sekhmet revved her engine and the motorcycle and large cat burst out of the house, the door flying off the bent and broken door frame. She landed heavily on the street, dropping smoke onto the alley to Yojimbo. Roaring around the corner, the multispectral visors showed Yojimbo's fuzzy form and she let loose with her chain rifle. The samurai managed to wheel his motorcycle out of the way in time though, but that only brought him in range of the wild biker. With a grin, Sekhmet pulled the sword from her sheath and burst forth from the smoke, her bike roaring. Yojimbo sent out a wave of nanopulsar at her, but she didnt care as her blade connected with the mans chest sending him flying off the bike and bleeding in the street. Wounded but undaunted, Sekhmet wheeled around and drove back to Mau who was waiting patiently, and they both quickly clambered up the wall of the house that Shinobu was hiding on, leaving her bike behind. Running along the roof top, Mau leapt over the ninja, trying to land on her with his claws, but she deftly dodged, only to run into Sekhmet, the womans skilled hand to hand abilities catching Kitsune off gaurd as the scimitar buried itself in her stomach.
With the adrenaline making its way out of her system, Sekhmet collapsed against the wall of the houses roof top, Mau laying down by her, "Hey Maih, backline should be good. Your good to go, I am taking a rest."
"Understood, thanks for the support Sekh. Palavi, lets move up." Maih said then calling up Haroun, "Haroun, move up the Fanous remotes, were moving towards the civilians."
Without a reply, the Fanous remotes moved up, taking positions behind houses. Maih began moving up between the buildings before she saw the form of a Japanese motorcycleist with a scyth. She quickly sent several teseum rounds down the street and into the bigger, slicing through the motorcycle and armor of the soldier and stopping them dead. Ein-213 seeing his connection to Khepri lost took initative, and began laying down suppresive fire to cover the civilians trying to run passed them, his synthetic chipper voice trying to provide directions, "Do not be alarmed. The Ramah Task Force is here to save you. Please remain calm and move passed us. Please ensure you are not armed or I will shoot you. Thank you!"
Pixie suddenly made herself known, as a mine exploded, the Nahabs quick reflexes helping her dodge the explosion as she moved in to secure a civilian motioning with her viral blade, "Who puts mines among civilians! Is that like a warcrime or something?!"
A Ryuken suddenly appeared behind Pixie, launching a rocket off over the heads of the civilians towards Haley and Neema, and impacts directly into the side of the building, shaking it as it explodes. Neema quickly raised her missile launcher, aims, and fires, the missile crashing through the side of the connex box he was hiding behind, and blasting him in the chest. A Karakuri and Yuriko took the opportunity to move up quickly, Yuriko planting another mine amongst a group of civilians before moveing along the wall to engage Ein-213.
Seeing the Japanese soldier with the rifle being raised, Ein-213 quickly responded with fire, the Red Fury opening up and sending Yuriko sprawled out into the street.
"Please ensure you are not armed or I will shoot you! Thank you! Arigato! Shukran!"
Turn 3
The Fanous-002 moves up behind a structure near the Karakuri, and Haroun smiles. Hes fingers and hands move along the holographic displays only he sees, shutting the remote soldiers systems down.
"Palavi, move up and get that civilian out of there!" Maih yells.
Nodding Palavi began running across the street.
"Warning!" Ein-213 yells out, "Mine detected. Please refraine from killing yourself good Doctor."
"Well, can you destroy it?!" Palavi yells back aross the courtyard.
Ein-213 beeps momentarily and then the Red Fury opens up, and a small explosion could be heard on the otherside of the sign Palavi was hiding behind.
"Affirmative Doctor Palavi."
Groaning, the doctor runs from behind the sign and to the civilian cowering on the street in the open, "I am Doctor Palavi of the Ramah Task Force, come with me!"
A sudden beep and whiring of servos could be heard as the karakuri only a few feet form her begins to reboot itself and raise its weapon.
"Haroun...HAROUN!!" Palavi yells into her comlog.
A series of emoticons depicting skulls and cross bones and chilled oh no faces scrawled across Palavis geist from Haroun.
The karakuri locked its gaze with Palavi just as it shut down again. A green checkmark from Haroun floated infront of Palavi's face. Grabbing the civilian by the color, the doctor dragged the man back towards their lines, throwing him behind a wall and raising her rifle.
The Keisotsu on the rooftop began to stand up to take out Fanous-002, the remote's targetting was too fast for them to counter. The first Keisotsu stood up, his shots going wide as Ein-213 and the Fanous both flashed him. When the second Keisotsu stood up, it was hit with both Haley and Neema's missile launchers. Finally the last resort was for the Karakuri to try and escape Harouns cordon of hacking area on its own, but the hacker was far too skilled. The moment the karakuri showed itself in the mayasphere, he disconnected it, frying its controls for good. The Japanese forces seeing no further advantage to pressing the attack began falling back
"Get the rest of the civilians to safety, JSA forces are falling back." Maih ordered. Conclusion:
This game went completly my way. The board played a big part in this as well, as we played on a board set up by people trying their hand at design and it turned into a valley type table with two big towers in both deployment zones that gave commanding positions. Mine had a more commanding position though with two core linked Missile Launchers (one being a Zhayaden), and his JSA force not having high burst long range weaponry. Breaking out of my deployment zone was not easy but two well placed smoke grenades let me get out and get under range of the enemy ARO's. Carmens NBW and MA Level 1 also saved my lines from Kitsune and Yojimbo running rampant.
Scenario: Rescue
Score: 4-1 Ramah-JSA
"'Aqid, we are tracking anti-orbital fire targetting the Halmeoni. Estimated impact of 31 minutes." The voice of a technician broke through the silence of the adh-Dhibs' bridge.
"Aye, send me the information. So much for Brutus and his cease fire, Surface Warfare, confirm trajectory." Fayaz Aafah responded, as a ding on his comlog announced the arrival of the afformentioned data. He was able to quickly confirm what was said, and began calmly relaying additional orders, "Helm, bring us 15 degrees clockwise rotation X axis, 20 degrees clockwise rotation Y axis. Ordinance and Gunnery get me intercept calculations and prepare to fire a Tor."
"'Aqid, we have confirmation of four launches, and calculations have all but 1 being a miss. The 1 appears to be a near miss, and we expect the Halmeoni's PDS to take care of it. Estimated impact is TM 31 minutes 22 seconds, weather depending."
"Understood, stand by and wait for confirmation that we see Halmeoni activating. Ping them and confirm they are tracking."
"Aye sir, Comms, confirm order?"
Another woman on the bridge, responded with a nod, "Comms confirming, contacting Halmeoni."
Fayaz sat back and crossed his legs, waiting for his order to be complete when another communications officer spoke up, "Sir, we have orders from HHC coming through for TF29. Orders include confirmation of reciept from us and preparation of medical and civilian facilities surface side."
"Understood, send confirmation and contact medical bay. Send the orders through to Maih. Prepare our two Roc's and personel to be placed under her authority for mission."
"Sir, Ordinance and Gunnery confirms load and are locked on target. Actively tracking."
Twenty minutes later Maih Aafah was projecting a district of Akhua to a conference room full of about fifteen of her soldiers, "This is Akhua Liesure District. With Brutus taking over the city and law enforcement being disrupted, Submondo has taken the opportunity to take it over. We have a number of innocent people getting caught in this gang warfare thats erupting. The mercenary soldiers under Brutus orders are also taking advantage, and the situation has deteriorated. Our objectives are too pull out as many people as we can, and set up a FOB on the edge of the district. We will be taking the MSMC dropship down, and onece the area and personel are secure, two Rocs with medical personel, and additional forces from Squads B and C will follow. Questions?"
"What is ROE?" Fahim asked.
"ROE is being sent, we will have other Sword of Allah forces in the area, so ensure you confirm target, there will also be civilians that we are rescueing, so confirm IFF marks."
"What enemy forces are we expecting?" Haley spoke up.
"Unconfirmed besides Submondo gangsters. It is Submondo though so they could have hired any kind of mercenaries. Again, if they are not flagged friendly, and are armed, they are hostile."
After waiting a few moments for additional questions, Maih continued, "Get your equipment ready, the dropship leaves in 15."
The dropship shook violently as the hard seats and harnesses dug into her butt and shoulders. Everything rattled, and Mau's growls and whines could be heard through the bay. Finally with a final thud, the ship was landed and the ramp opened, allowing the harnesses to release. Ripping her rifle from its secure retainer next her, Maih slammed a magazine home and racked the bolt, and yelled out, "Alright, were dirtside, lets move out! You have your individual orders so lets go!"
Sekhmets bike roared to life, the engine giving a gutteral rumble as Mau stretched and shook the ride from his bones. Moving forward, Asil took her fireteam into a large three story partment complex to provide over watch with Haley's and Neemas Missile Launchers. They had a wide sweaping area of fire infront of them into most of the AO as civilians were running around in panic. People filled the streets, and smoke rose from several areas. Maih with her MSV goggles, marksman rifle, Palavi the doctor, and Fahim with his Spitfire took up a house to the right of the apartment complex with Sekhmet and Mau, and her motorcycle, and Kephri, and the Rafiq Ein-213 along with an additional Rafiq and a couple Fanous spread out.
"I have JSA forces pushing through the civilians ahead." Came Haleys voice over the comlog. "Keisotsu on the roof top, motor cycles moving in the streets below."
Turn 1
"Confirmed." Maih responded, "Sekhmet, get some smoke out, cover us."
With a pop, the smoke grenade clangs down into the street outside of the house. The smoke begins billowing in the street as Fahim leads the way, moving quickly through it followed by Maih, and Palavi. Moving up to a corner of the next house, Fahim holds his hand up, peaking around the corner. At the end of the street, a Japanese man with dual katanas strides, making vulgar gestures and dangerous swings at the civilians, laughing. Stepping back from the corner, the large khawarij raises his spitfire and steps out, the assault weapon roaring as a stream of tracers flash down the street, impacting with the man. His form flashes, and a bashi bazouk appears briefly in the flash of blood as it collapses to the street. A brief shimmer on a roof top suddenly catches his eye, making him dive back into cover.
"Mimetic operatives on the roof, lets move back to the other side of the building."
Quickly leading the team along the side of the house, he comes out to the left, and catches sight of the Keisotsu with missile launcher looking down the street. Again leaning out form cover, the Khawarij's spitfire roar, the super soldiers accute accuracy leading the rounds straight into the Japanese soldiers chest, the woman falling back to the ground. Moving up further, he sights the mimetic field, tracers streaming into what appeared to be thin air before cracklses, sparks and air distortions reveals the Ryuken soldier as its optical disruptor fails and collapses with the operative.
"Moving up to the roof top to provide over watch." Fahim reports back to Maih as he braces and launches himself up and backwards onto the roof top. He catches sight of a domaru peaking out from cover as he is in the air, and with a snap the spitfire was at his shoulder, roaring with fire as he leapt behind the parapet of the house. The rounds, again finding purchase in their target, the heavy armor unable to stop the accurate fire as it hammered into it.
Khepri and Ein-213 were dashing between the houses, taking advantage of Fahims accurate and whithering fire. The Namurr quickly made it up to the house Fahim was using and vaulting up the walls and over the parapet she landed behind him, "On you Fahim."
The Khawarij nodded, "Understood."
Just then smoke erupted in the street below, obscuring their vision forward, and they heard the roar of a motorcycle coming up to the building. Khepri began moving along the roof as smoke blossomed ontop, completly engulfing Fahim as he began trying to dodge out of the smoke. Suddenly, a shadow darted over the roof top, and Khepris hairs stood up, prompting her to quickly draw her blade just in time for a monofilament katana to appear from the air, slashing down on her. The katana and scimitar locked at the hilt at Shinobu Kitsune made herself known. The woman was fast though, and with a flash the blade bit into Khepris arm before the Namurr could push her back. Another flash of monofilament to her stomach though and she gasped, collapsing back against the wall just as Fahim burst from the smoke and saw the scuffle.
Shinobu quickly darted around the super soldier, fast as lightning, raising her combi rifle before Fahim could draw his pistol, blasting rounds into his back. With a thud, the man fell to the roof top bleeding. The shadow quickly darted into the smoke and the corner of the building above Maih and Palavi.
Turn 2
"Sekhmet, we need you and your cat, clear the way for us!" Maih yelled over the comlog.
Sekhmet revved her engine and the motorcycle and large cat burst out of the house, the door flying off the bent and broken door frame. She landed heavily on the street, dropping smoke onto the alley to Yojimbo. Roaring around the corner, the multispectral visors showed Yojimbo's fuzzy form and she let loose with her chain rifle. The samurai managed to wheel his motorcycle out of the way in time though, but that only brought him in range of the wild biker. With a grin, Sekhmet pulled the sword from her sheath and burst forth from the smoke, her bike roaring. Yojimbo sent out a wave of nanopulsar at her, but she didnt care as her blade connected with the mans chest sending him flying off the bike and bleeding in the street. Wounded but undaunted, Sekhmet wheeled around and drove back to Mau who was waiting patiently, and they both quickly clambered up the wall of the house that Shinobu was hiding on, leaving her bike behind. Running along the roof top, Mau leapt over the ninja, trying to land on her with his claws, but she deftly dodged, only to run into Sekhmet, the womans skilled hand to hand abilities catching Kitsune off gaurd as the scimitar buried itself in her stomach.
With the adrenaline making its way out of her system, Sekhmet collapsed against the wall of the houses roof top, Mau laying down by her, "Hey Maih, backline should be good. Your good to go, I am taking a rest."
"Understood, thanks for the support Sekh. Palavi, lets move up." Maih said then calling up Haroun, "Haroun, move up the Fanous remotes, were moving towards the civilians."
Without a reply, the Fanous remotes moved up, taking positions behind houses. Maih began moving up between the buildings before she saw the form of a Japanese motorcycleist with a scyth. She quickly sent several teseum rounds down the street and into the bigger, slicing through the motorcycle and armor of the soldier and stopping them dead. Ein-213 seeing his connection to Khepri lost took initative, and began laying down suppresive fire to cover the civilians trying to run passed them, his synthetic chipper voice trying to provide directions, "Do not be alarmed. The Ramah Task Force is here to save you. Please remain calm and move passed us. Please ensure you are not armed or I will shoot you. Thank you!"
Pixie suddenly made herself known, as a mine exploded, the Nahabs quick reflexes helping her dodge the explosion as she moved in to secure a civilian motioning with her viral blade, "Who puts mines among civilians! Is that like a warcrime or something?!"
A Ryuken suddenly appeared behind Pixie, launching a rocket off over the heads of the civilians towards Haley and Neema, and impacts directly into the side of the building, shaking it as it explodes. Neema quickly raised her missile launcher, aims, and fires, the missile crashing through the side of the connex box he was hiding behind, and blasting him in the chest. A Karakuri and Yuriko took the opportunity to move up quickly, Yuriko planting another mine amongst a group of civilians before moveing along the wall to engage Ein-213.
Seeing the Japanese soldier with the rifle being raised, Ein-213 quickly responded with fire, the Red Fury opening up and sending Yuriko sprawled out into the street.
"Please ensure you are not armed or I will shoot you! Thank you! Arigato! Shukran!"
Turn 3
The Fanous-002 moves up behind a structure near the Karakuri, and Haroun smiles. Hes fingers and hands move along the holographic displays only he sees, shutting the remote soldiers systems down.
"Palavi, move up and get that civilian out of there!" Maih yells.
Nodding Palavi began running across the street.
"Warning!" Ein-213 yells out, "Mine detected. Please refraine from killing yourself good Doctor."
"Well, can you destroy it?!" Palavi yells back aross the courtyard.
Ein-213 beeps momentarily and then the Red Fury opens up, and a small explosion could be heard on the otherside of the sign Palavi was hiding behind.
"Affirmative Doctor Palavi."
Groaning, the doctor runs from behind the sign and to the civilian cowering on the street in the open, "I am Doctor Palavi of the Ramah Task Force, come with me!"
A sudden beep and whiring of servos could be heard as the karakuri only a few feet form her begins to reboot itself and raise its weapon.
"Haroun...HAROUN!!" Palavi yells into her comlog.
A series of emoticons depicting skulls and cross bones and chilled oh no faces scrawled across Palavis geist from Haroun.
The karakuri locked its gaze with Palavi just as it shut down again. A green checkmark from Haroun floated infront of Palavi's face. Grabbing the civilian by the color, the doctor dragged the man back towards their lines, throwing him behind a wall and raising her rifle.
The Keisotsu on the rooftop began to stand up to take out Fanous-002, the remote's targetting was too fast for them to counter. The first Keisotsu stood up, his shots going wide as Ein-213 and the Fanous both flashed him. When the second Keisotsu stood up, it was hit with both Haley and Neema's missile launchers. Finally the last resort was for the Karakuri to try and escape Harouns cordon of hacking area on its own, but the hacker was far too skilled. The moment the karakuri showed itself in the mayasphere, he disconnected it, frying its controls for good. The Japanese forces seeing no further advantage to pressing the attack began falling back
"Get the rest of the civilians to safety, JSA forces are falling back." Maih ordered. Conclusion:
This game went completly my way. The board played a big part in this as well, as we played on a board set up by people trying their hand at design and it turned into a valley type table with two big towers in both deployment zones that gave commanding positions. Mine had a more commanding position though with two core linked Missile Launchers (one being a Zhayaden), and his JSA force not having high burst long range weaponry. Breaking out of my deployment zone was not easy but two well placed smoke grenades let me get out and get under range of the enemy ARO's. Carmens NBW and MA Level 1 also saved my lines from Kitsune and Yojimbo running rampant.
Scenario: Rescue
Score: 4-1 Ramah-JSA
Friday, June 23, 2023
New Hypatia: A Girl and her (large) Cat
"I will be sure to be home for your birthday, habeebi." Sekhmet smiled, a simple facade and apeasement to her father. She knew he would not be.
The holosuit faded into black, the adobe porch overlooking the beutiful shimmering sands of a desert stretching endlessly into the horizon, the colored silks blowing gently in the breeze. The real world room came into focus around her. Her room was large, baby blue walls stretching up around her into a dome above, a large canopy bed with red silks, and a glass desk with the latest computer system against the wall across from it, her classwork strew about on various papers. Large double glass doors opened onto a veranda overlooking the city of Medina below.
Sekhment Abdel was a week from her 18th birthday and was the daughter of Ibrahim Abdel, a driven and intelligent entrepenour. He founded Abdel Biomedical Firm and was working to grow its influence in the city. It has been weeks since she had seen her father. Even though the company was based in the same city, he would often stay at the offices and labs, working around the clock on his project. Her mother had long since left the family, trying to convince Sekhment to join her, "He will never make time for you. He loves you, but his first love is the lab."
She considered giving her mother a call, but her comlog beeped, informing her it was time for her self defense classes to start. Groaning, she quickly changed into athletic clothes, and headed out of her room and down the stairs of the alabaster mansion to an outdoors sports area. Even under the burning sun, the black topped court was cooled by pipes, and the glare of the sun abatted by UV glass pannels arching over the court. Palm trees, flowering bushes, and other plants adorned the perimeter of the garden.
"Punctual as usual, Sek."
"To be early is to be ontime-" Sekhmet began.
"-to be ontime is to be late. Yes, yes. Lets get on with our pre-workout stretches, and less of your fathers wisdom." replied the tall, beutiful woman.
Atena was a tall, lithe woman, formerly an odalisque with the previous Sultanate. When the new Sultan came to power she left and became a mercenary. She was one of the few gifts left by Sekhmets mother, who hired her to both guard and train her since she was 10. They met every other day out on this blacktop court to exercise and spar, and Atena had become one of her closest confidants. Sekhmet herself becoming something akin to a little sister. The two were now going through their usual stretches and exercises before their combat training. As she finished, she hopped up on her feet, bouncing up and down, warming herself up.
Throwing a wooden sword over to her instructor, Sekhmet rolls her shoulders and adopts a general stance, readying herself.
Atena catches the wooden sword and chuckles, "Awefully focused today aren't we? No chit-chat? No girl talk?"
"I just need to hit something."
Sekhmet charges the taller woman, swinging her 'sword' with measured abandon. Clack! Clack! Clack! The blows rained down as Atena backed up, trying to gain some control as the younger woman assaulted her. The teenager was not unskilled, the years of training, and her natural inclination to the martial arts meant she was growing into a very skilled opponent. The former odalisque still had experience on her side though as she finally turned a blow, twisted away and regained a more stable footing. Sekhmet twirled away with the momentum, following the blade through to bring it back around. Sweat was already glistening on her face and neck.
"Someone had a call with their father where he promised something." Atena said with a knowing smile.
Rather than answer, Sekhmet launched another assault.
The blows rained down again, Atena standing strong and allowing the young woman to blow off steam, deftly deflecting and blocking hits. The older woman knew this session would be less about learning, and more about stress relief. Whatever she would try to teach would not stick, so she played the role of a friend and guardian rather than an instructor. The two women traded blows for about 20 minutes before Sekhmet fell back on the black top, breathing heavily as sweat poured off of her. Her geist pinged a message, warning her about dehydration, and upcoming heat sickness. Atena grabbed a bottle of water from a nearby table, and passed it to the teenager, who took it and sipped slowly, sitting up.
"Your father doesn't make these promises to upset you on purpose. He truly does wish to be here for your birthday." Atena said, sitting down next to her.
Sekhmet replied snidely, "I never said anything about promises."
"I have been with this family and you for almost 9 years now, the pattern is well established, and I can read you like a book."
Taking another sip of water, she sighs, "Next year I am leaving for university, and never coming back."
"Thats what I did, minus the university part. Just, don't go joining any wars. Use that brain of yours to get a good job."
Sekhmet smiled and stood up saying, "Thanks."
The week went by as it usually did. Physical fitness training, arts, school, and homework. Most of her free time was taken up by scheduled activities during the week, and before she knew it, the sun was rising on the morning of her birthday. Being a teenager, though, the sun climbed high into the sky before she finally groaned and woke up. She felt something on her bed, and blinked a few times to focus.
"Good morning habeebi." the man said, a smile on his face.
"Dad?" Sekhmet asked in astonishment.
Ibrahim smiled down at his daughter before placing a creature from his arms onto her bed. The creature was roughly the size of a dog and began sniffing around her blanket with excitment, a strange creature that looked like a cat until its paws, which were scaled claws instead of cat paws.
"Of course, I promised I would be here for your birthday, happy birthday! My gift is this creature, the only one of its kind. EX-36. It was the test subject for our new program, Taniyn."
"Well its cute I suppose, is this what you have been working on?"
Sekhmet sat up and reached over to pet the creature, who happily accepted.
"Yes, we begin human trials in a week."
Raising her eyebrow, Sekhmet asked, "Human trials? How could you have gotten approval from the MAA so fast?"
Smiling and waving his hand, Ibrahim replies, "You dont need to worry about that my dear its not a public endeavor, it is your birthday, do not let such things trouble your mind. I have breakfast ready downstairs, get dressed and come join me!"
He stands up, adjusting his suit and heads out of the bed room. EX-36 sits on the bed, stareing at Sekhmet. She had a bad feeling about her fathers work, but he would never listen to her anyways. Sekhmet got dressed quickly into her favorite color shifting skirt and tank top. She had plans this afternoon with her friends in town, and even if her father had made himself available, she was not about to cancel. Getting on a pair of light boots, she headed downstairs, and found her father serving eggah at the table.
"Birthday breakfast! Filling and nutritious! Come eat!"
"I didnt know you knew how to cook..."
"Well I can, not many dishes mind you, but breakfasts were always one I could do."
Sitting down, he took a fork full of the eggs. As Sekhmet sat down, and took a bite herself, she found the dish was not bad. Bland, it was lacking a lot of spices, but it was not bad.
"Well its not....bad." Sekhmet said, swallowing.
"Yes, it has been a bit since I made the dish, I might have forgotten some spices...salt always is a good substitute."
Sekhmet reached for the salt in the center of the table when pain suddenly shot through her body like a bolt of lightning. She gasped as she doubled over, collapsing to the table and sliding onto the ground. The pain pulsed through her several times as her father clicked his tongue and stood up, grabbing a tablet.
"Date and time recorded, it appears Taniyn began acting before the full dose. Note to add a delay to the gene sequence to ensure full dose is ingested. Sekhmet, how do you feel?"
Her mind could not comprehend what was happening between the pulses of pain, had her father drugged her? Would he have done that? That did not make sense, how could a father do that to his daughter. Why would he given her the drug? As her thoughts raced,she tried to respond but could only gasp. He picked her up off the ground and took her back up to her room. Somewhere on the way, she blacked out, the pain finally becoming to great. When she finally opened her eyes again, her commlog told her it had been two days. Missed calls and messages flooded her overlay from her friends, putting her hand to her head where a throbbing headache ensued she rolled over. The creature her father had given her nuzzled her, almost in an understanding way.
"Sekhmet, are you awake?" the voice of Atena came from the other side of the room, "Are you alright? That beast wont let me near the bed, and it did a number to your fathers arm when he tried to check on you this morning."
Sitting bolt upright, fury suddenly filled her, "Where is he? Ibn al kalb, that bastard!"
Atena obviously was wanting to run over to calm Sekhmet but the creature was growling at the guard, getting more worked up as its master did, "Calm down, what happened? Your father said you collapsed. I came over as soon as he called two days ago."
"He drugged me! He used the drug he was experimenting with on me! I guess it didnt work so he left me here!" Sekhmet began to realize she could not control this fury, and it simply kept rising. Panicing she grabbed the glass of water and poured it on herself. The cold water shocked her out of it.
Atena looked confused and startled, "What are you doing? What are you talking about? Settle down, I will get you some food and a towel."
Sekhmet sat back against her head board water dripping from her face as she tried to steady her breathing, "Okay...umm...creature, shes a friend."
Immediatly the creature changed its disposition, looking at her then at the departing woman. It seemed to understand her as it hopped off the bed and sat next to it. After some time, Atena came back with some lentil soup, a spoon, and a towel. She walked carefully to the bed, eyeing the creature who showed no signs of aggression now. Handing Sekhmet the towel, she let the young woman dry herself off before handing over the bowl of soup. Eating the soup, weariness suddenly broke over her. Putting the bowl on her bedside table, she changed her sheets, laid down and immediatly fell asleep.
She awoke again in the dead of the night, her room was bathed in the light of the moon, and a man sat in a chair in the corner, dressed sharply, reading a leatherbound book. He had an air of calmness as he read, but Sekhmet suddenly noticed the pistol on her dresser next to him. Looking at the creature, it was sleeping peacefully on the floor. Flipping a page, the man settles a silk book mark between the pages and closes the book, settling it on the nightstand, he gently takes his pistol, and looks up at Sekhmet.
"Good evening, young miss. Atena, you may join us now."
Atena gently opens the door and enters the room, a black suitcase in her hand, a slight look of concern on her face.
"First, my dear, how are you feeling? Thinking straight? Normal vision? Any heart palpatations you feel?"
Shaking her head, the man continues, "Do you mind if I give you a brief examination? I assure you I am unrelated to your father, and this is to check on your well being."
Sekhmet looks to Atena, who nods her head. If she trusted the mans word, then Sekhmet will give him a chance. She nods to the man who stands up, disappearing the pistol beneath his jacket. He sits gently on the edge of the bed and pulls out a small medical bag, hidden behind him and pulls out a few instruments. He thoroughly checked her throat, eyes, ears, nose, heart, and skin.
"It looks like the minor dose of the serum did not produce much effects on you luckily. Your skin is slightly harder and drier, and your pupils appear to dilate a bit more than they should, your canines are slightly elongated."
Subconsiously, Sekhmet ran her tongue over her teeth, and did notice her canines were slightly longer. Standing up, the man put the medical bag away, and gave a slight bow to Sekhmet, "I am Agent Diwan with the Muhafiz Intelligence Department. I am here to give you a choice. At this time, your fathers company is ruined and he is soon to be dead. If you go with Miss Atena here, you will give up your family, last name, and life as you know it. If you stay, then the next agent to arrive will not be of the Muhafiz. I was given 1 hour to warn you. The suit case that Atena has is approximatly five percent of your fathers worth for you to begin a new life with."
Sekhmets mind raced. Was this a dream? Was her father dead? Why did she feel so little at that news? Looking at Atena, the woman was visibly anxious.
"I apologize Sek, I have been reporting to the Hassassin order since I was hired, your father was a person of interest. But it did let me negotiate for your survival. You are a victim here, not an enemy. Come with me, and we can find our own path!"
She sighed, and sat on the edge of the bed. Agent Diwan stood calmly, watching.
"I assume my mother will be told I am dead either way?"
The man nodded.
"Fine, leave me to get dressed and grab a few things. Atena, I will meet you in the hallway in a few minutes."
Smiling, Atena nods, leaving the briefcase by the door and stepping out. Smiling, and nodding, Diwan picks up his book and says, "Best of luck Miss Sekhmet."
As the door closed Sekhmet stood up, grabbed some clothes, threw them in a backpack, put on her boots, and grabbed the suit case. Clicking her tongue to get the creatures attention, she said, "You need a about Mau?"
Mau gave an approving growl, then followed her closely as she ran to the balcony of her room. Leaping off she landed with a thud in some bushes, Mau scurrying down the wall. They both ran. They ran as fast as they could away from the house, and her old life. She ran towards Medina, hoping the money she had will be enough to set herself up, and start her new life. Perhaps she could be a mercenary?
Wednesday, June 14, 2023
New Hypatia: Jail Break
Maih Aafahs boots slammed on to the rainy ground as she fast roped from the open hangar door of the HSN ahd-Dhib. Loosening the sling on her marksmans rifle, she raised it up, moving away from the bottom of the rope as Palavi follows. It took a matter of seconds for the rain to soak through her clothing, even with the heavy coat. Next to them the 3 heavy forms of Fahim, Rashid, and Khadim land with heavy thuds of their boots as they had simply leaped the full 30 feet to the concrete pier. More troopers came down the ropes as they spread out. The soft hum of the magnetic locks below the pier could be heard. These locks were the targets. They kept the ship held fast, and Brutus was not letting them go.
"We need to get to the access hatch to the mechanisms below the pier. Doors are expected to be locked." Maih explained to the growing group.
"I can fix that." Kepri suddenly appeared next to Maih, holding a d-charge with a cheshire grin, her cat eyes flashing.
"That was the plan. You and Pixie. Pixie has Pier 32, you have Pier 34. Team assignments and routes are broadcast. Get to work, I want to be in orbit in 2 hours. We have an appointment with some aliens that I would hate to reschedule."
"Inshallah!" Came the resounding response.
"Ra'id! Did you say I can blow somethign up?!" Came Pixies loud and excited voice over the commlog.
"Yes, check your assigned objective! Get to work!" Maih responded in annoyance, then motioning to Fahim she said, "Fahim, your team has point, lets move. Palavi, in the middle with Kepri and Khadim."
The Haqqislam soldiers moved swiftly through the rain soaked shipping containers and machinery of the pier as they advanced to a short square structure. Sparks suddenly bloomed along the top of the containers just above their heads, making them dive for cover, the ringing of bullets on metal.
"Anyone have sight?" Maih yelled up the line.
"Contact, North, North east, red connex box, PhiloFirm Corp, left corner, top. I dont have a clear shot. Rashid, you should from your angle." Fahims voice was firm, loud and to the point.
The Khawarij with the Mk12 nodded, and adjusted his visor, moving a bit further on the line. Leaping up onto a second level shipping container, he edged along it to the see around, raising his heavy rifle.
Three heavy shots rang out, the rain muffling them ever so slighty. He quickly motioned for the group to move along as his position burst into sparks forcing him to duck lower. He quickly responded with his mk12, directing the enemy fire to him.
"I see Druze armor and emblems, be warned moving forward. They are in defensive positions around the target structure." Rashid reported through his intermittent bursts of fire.
"Affirmative, I see two on the structure, and two more deployed on connex boxes to the left and forward." Fahim responded, there was a sudden report from his mk12, "Two remain on the structure, both forward corners."
The group advanced to the end of the shipping containers. Maihs map indicated, from here to the right it would be a straight shot to the structure that led down into the piers machinery. Looking to Fahim for a signal, he motioned that there two forward on the structure. He then motioned he would take the right target, and Maih would take the left. Nodding her understanding and giving a thumbs up, she got behind him and kneeled down, three, two, one. On one, they both leaned out, Fahim leaning out above Maih. Finding their targets, their guns light up, a stream of low caliber fire from Fahims Spitfire, while a few quick successive shots from Maihs marksman rifle. Keeping their weapons shouldered, they confirmed their targets were down before Fahim tapped Maihs shoulder as he moved forward to the next row of containers to take cover by.
Giving a thumbs up behind him, Kepri, Palavi, and Khadim moved quickly up behind him, before Maih followed. Taking this leapfrog approach, they were only 5 yards from the structure when an explosion knocked several shipping containers down behind them where Rashid was firing from.
"Ramhorn! Take cover!" Rashid yelled over the commlog.
Suddenly a large TAG slammed through two shipping containers to the right of the structure, scanning the area before it before raising its over sized rifle. Heavy rounds slammed into the ground before them as they all scattered and dove for cover among the shipping containers. The thin metal containers did nothing to stop the huge rounds from piercing them as they continued moving deeper. The heavy steps of the main battle tag could be heard as it moved towards where they were, looking up and down the rows of metal boxes. Taking cover behind a large connex moving truck, Maih raised her rifle and sent off a couple of shots, the armor piercing rounds not finding purchase on the heavily armored shoulders. The Ramhorn was about to let off a salvo when suddenly a flurry of blows came from behind it as the heavy spitfire of Fahim opened up, drawing its attention.
"Gotcha now!" Kepri flashed out from the shadows behidn the TAG, her blade crackling with energy as she leaped on its back and sank it deep into the power housing.
The TAG shuddered and slumped slightly as it lost power. The two Khawarij Rashid and Khadim, wielding their large scimitars in both hands came at it form both side. With skillful strokes, they severed the anckle gears and tendons, the heavy machine falling backwards with a loud thud. Kepri rolled away with her blade, as the khawarij leaped up onto the chest, sinking both of their blades into the cockpit. The fight was over in a flash as they pulled their blades free, and slid them back into their belts. Unslinging their guns, they leaped down from the ruins of the TAG, and advanced carefully on the door. Khepri pulled out a d-charge from her belt pouch, and slapped it on the metal door and moved to the side, covering her ears. After five seconds an explosion rocked the area as the charge blew in the door.
The Namurr quickly leaped in, Rifle raised, her finger on the underslung shotgun. The room was empty though as the dust was settling. A small room with a desk on the wall and some cabinets. On the left side a spiral staircase led down. Looking down the hole, they saw it led to another small room and a door. Checking that everyone was ready, Khadim raised his large shotgun and led the way. They arrayed themselves on the wall on either side of the door. Gently checking the latch, Khadim confirmed the door was unlocked, and he quickly turned the nobbed, and threw the door open from behind the wall. The doorway erupted in fire from the room beyond. Crouching back along the wall and turning their faces away to protect them from shrapnel, Khadim and Rashid prepared their grenades. As the fire abated, the super soldiers, deftly twisted and tossed their grenades into the room. A loud commotion could suddenly be heard before two resounding bangs. Fahim didnt wait for the sound to disperse before he was already through the door, his spitfire leveled, and roaring.
"Clear." He said briefly before moving in.
Before them lay a long hallway, simple wooden barrier errected on either side that 4 different druze bodies sat slumped against them. Moving down the well lit concrete hallway, they eventually came to an open, steel door. Beyond was a large, long room four heavy machines, great hydrolic arms extending through the wall near the cieling.
"Well, Kepri, get to work." Maih said.
The namurr took off swiftly into the room, fishing through her satchel for more D-Charges, and setting them up within the machinery. After a few minutes she returned to the group holding a detonator. Nodding Maih motioned for them to leave, quickly retracing their steps out of the complex. Getting back out into the pouring rain, Maih pinged Pixie, "Pixie are you set?"
"Yes, Ra'id. Were all set here, making our way back to the ship now."
"Understood, we are getting a Roc back to the ship, prepare to blow your charges. Kepri, ready?" Maih responded.
"Aye, ready." Responded Kepri.
"Aye, ready." Said Pixie after a few moments.
Calling up the bridge of the ahd-Dhib, Maih reported to her brother, Fayaz,"Were about to blow the locks, confirm ship readiness."
"Ship ready." Came the near immediate response.
"Pixie, Kepri, on my mark, three, two, one, mark!"
Dull blasts could be heard underneath them as the pier trembled, and acrid, black smoke began pouring out form under the Haqqislam ship. Only a moment later, the atmospheric thrusters under the ship roared to life. Wind and rain blasted into Maihs face as they took cover behind the shipping crates. Slowly the cruiser began pulling up from the docks as more thrusters sprang to life, adding to the roar. After a few moments the roaring began to die down as the ship gained altitude.
"ahd-Dhib is clear of docking zone. Ra'id, you are free to make your way to the Roc waiting." Came the voice of a communications officer over Maihs commlog.
The group quickly made their way along the pier towards their initial exit from the ship. As they arrived at the waiting transport, they were joined by Pixie and her group, quickly piling in. Maih waited until the last trooper was aboard and accounted for before hoping through the door. Signalling the pilot, the ship quickly ascended as the doors closed, chasing the slower moving naval vessel. It took only a few minutes for the Roc to dock with a heavy thud, and the hangar doors to close. The ahd-Dhib was quickly gaining ascent speed, making it difficult to move around. Magnetic clamps engaged on the Roc to secure it to the hangar floor as the pilots voice called back, "All passengers are to remain seated."
The Haqqislamite Light Cruiser broke through the atmosphere and into orbit after an hour of ascent. Gravity suddenly failing for everyone in the vessel. Rolling in the zero gravity, and twisting its hull, its weapons and quantronic suite quickly changed control and jobs as it broke out of Brutus sphere of influence, and entered the sphere of influence of the Halmeoni. The ship quickly hid its signature from the O-12 battleship, now Combined Army occupied. Entering a geosynchronous orbit with New Hypatia, all of the ships sensors and guns turned towards the O-12 vessel and began scraping data.
Tuesday, June 13, 2023
New Hypatia: The Rain
The rain could be heard, gently patering on the door to one of the ahd-Dhib's hangers. It extended out passed the hull of the ship when it was lowered, and could be used, as it was now, as a porch. Sitting just inside the hanger on a folding chair, his leg crossed over a knee was a large man. His brown beard extended from a cracked and tanned face, his large hands dwarfing an ancient hardcover book. On a small table next to him was a steaming mug of tea. The loud steps of combat boots hailed the arrival of another individual, his well kept, ancient naval uniform in stark contrast to the shirtless, well muscled man.
"You know, there has been a blinking light on the bridge for the last hour, letting us know a bay door was open and getting wet." Captain Aafah said, a slight amount of teasing in his voice.
Turning a page of the book with a suprising amount of rippling muscle, Qadim answered without looking up, "I always wondered if you were able to turn those lights off. Perhaps a bit of tape over it?"
"You know, taping over a bridge console of a warship sounds perfectly within regulation."
Leaning against the strut of the bays door, and crossing his arms, Fayaz Aafah looks out over the water beyond the dock and at the city, blurred by the light rain. Qadim continued to read peacefully as he took a sip of tea. The two men sat quietly, enjoying the sound of the rain, and the smell of the water. Two uncommon sensations to the crew of a star fareing vessel. The dark circles under the Captains eyes spoke to the stress he was under. The Nomad and Haqqislam quantronic warfare specialists had finally just now succeeded in driving off the rogue AI's tendrils, and were making contact with Haqqislam High Command the O-12 ship in orbit, Halmeoni. Fayaz thought it a good opprotunity to take a break from the bridge and get some air.
"I had heard of the works of Shakespear in some of my literature courses, and of course read the translations on Maya. I must say though, reading an original copy of his works compiled, that is a much more interesting experience."
Qadim, using a silk bookmarker to mark his spot, gently closed the ancient book and set it on the table. Taking the mug of tea, the shirtless khawarij leaned back in his seat, sighing.
"I thought you might find it interesting. I have pulled it down from my shelves a couple of times to read through it. It was a wonderful find when we made a patrol by Earth, sitting in an ancient used bookstore in London." Fayaz responded.
"London? Where is that?"
"It is the capitol of the United Kingdom. The ships medical staff were participating in a medical outreach program, providing clinics to impoverished nations."
Nodding Qadim understood, taking a sip of tea.
"Where is your shirt by the way?" Fayaz asked.
"He was working out with me for a while." A voice said, announcing the arrival of Fahim, another member of the Khawarij.
Fahim was wearing a loose, white jubba, his hair and beard still wet from a recent shower.
"I was merely taking a moment to myself before getting cleaned up, my friend. I see you were fine bathing yourself?" Qadim said with a smile.
"I am debating whether the aroma I am smelling is you or the harbor." Fahim quiped back with a chuckle, before nodding to Fayaz, "Good evening Captain, I see Allah has finally granted you some respite?"
Qadim put on an overly shocked face, and put down his tea. Standing up the 6'8" super soldier dwarfed the captain as he stretched, "Well Captain, it appears my aroma is putting people at odds. I shall retire to the washroom. Inshallah, hopefully there is enough soap!"
Standing next to Fayaz, Fahim looked out at the city of New Hypatia.
"We come for a simple repair and get stuck dealing with a Rogue AI's tantrum." he sighs.
"Allah only knows if that is all it is." Fahim responded crossing his arms over his chest and stroking his beard, "Have we gotten reconnected to High Command?"
"That is happening now. We should have a report soon."
Behind them in the hangar bay, activity was increasing as other members of the ship and Task Force 29 began various exercises and maintenance activities. the rain was steadily increasing into torrential sheets as it beat against the lowered doors, the smell of the rain wafting into the bay. Some others without tasks began milling about the open doors, getting some fresh air and watching the rain. A couple of the naval personel were sure to salute Fayaz as he turned and began heading back into the ship. He was pinged on his commlog as he left the bay, "Captain, sending you the report on current events from HHC, and O12."
Standing to the side of the corridor, he quickly scanned the report, frowning. The situation was more chaotic than he was expecting.
"Sir we have distress beacon from the Halmeoni, it appears to be overtaken by the Combined Army!" The junior officer reported into his commlog suddenly.
"Do we have the docking locks under control?" Fayaz asked back.
"Not yet sir. Controls appear to be on an isolated network."
"Then how does Brutus have-nevermind. We are blasting the locks, the Nomads can bill us for damages later. Sound general quarters, and get me Ra'id Aafah on the bridge. I need information on the docks layout around us and any areas of interest. I am on my way."
An alarm began ringing in the ship as red lights turned on. The ship turned into a hive of activity as naval personel ran for stations. It was time for the ahd-Dhib to leave and Fayaz was tired of waiting, straightening the old deep blue naval jacket he made his way to the bridge.
Saturday, June 10, 2023
Operation Walrus: Assault on the Armory
Location: Bridge of the HNS ahd-Dhib
The bridge was quiet and dark, the lights of the vessels control panels blinking and strobing various different colors and patterns, throwing light around the room, and illuminating the faces of the skeleton crew on the bridge, all transfixed to their work. Captain Fayaz Aafah stood silently, watching one of the screens over the shoulder of the technician in the chair. He strocked his beard in a calming manner as he watched the various lines of text and reports come across. Maih approached him from behind, waiting for him to acknowledge her before interupting.
"Go ahead sister, I apologize, I cant really give you my full attention yet." His voice was calm, but she heard the stress.
"I have recovered thanks to the doctors, I was wondering if we had orders yet? If not, then you being the Captain of the vessel are considered High Command." Maih said.
Taking a few moments of silence, Captain Aafah nods, and turns towards her, his face was gaunt.
"This AI is probably the greatest threat this ship has faced in some time. I would rather be back on the blockade of Concillium wormhole than dealing with this Brutus assaulting the quantronic walls of our ship. The Nomad contingent is doing Allahs work in our defense. If only we could get the locks off this damned ship, but he has us sealed up tight." Walking over to the central Captains chair, he flops down cursing,"Yakhsaf allah bih al’ard..."
Rubbing his temples, Captain Aafah passes Maih a piece of paper, "Some friends of yours used a bird of all things to deliver this. I didnt read it, but it did have The Old Mans seal."
"Did you say a bird? Like a beak and feathers, bird?" she asked incredulously, taking the letter.
"Yup, flew right up onto one of the spinal batteries and began pecking one of the sensors."
Shaking her head in disbelief, Maih opened the small letter and read.
"Hexadrome, enemy amassing, armory too full, contact in red dress, grab."
"Looks like we have our mission Captain, the hexadrome complex and an armory near it." She passes the letter to her brother, who reads it quickly then pulls up a map of the city.
Zooming into the Caligo Hexadrome, he highlights a few structures, before speaking into his commlog, "I need a blue beam drone sent over the Caligo Hexadrome."
Looking to Maih, he explains, "A blue beam drone is none quantronic drone, its a line of site binary connection, nothing Brutus can do to it. The mast should have the height to keep it line of site, it was basically made for these types of missions. The Hexadrome isnt far."
As if on queue, the front view screen on the bridge came to life, and they could see the flight towards the large structure, not far in the distance. As it gained alititude they were able to see the stockpiles of equipment and manpower. Mercenaries from all over the sector. One large, and well guarded structure caught their attention though, and zoomed in.
"That, looks like an armory." Maih said.
Nodding, her brother sent over the coordinates, "Keep the Roc quantronically disconnected, and on line of sight radio. You might have to go a bit old school here, this rogue AI is a problem."
"Good call, I am going to take Raqib El'Mofty to keep an eye on our quantronics, can you spare him?" she asked.
"Yes, I think we can. It looks like a Yujingese mercenary group is defending the armory....ah and this must be the red dress." Captain Aafah said, zooming in on a young Yujingese woman in an elaborate red dress, wandering the area with a tablet in hand. "Good luck, Allah bless your hunt, sister."
"Inshallah, brother." Maih responds, leaving the bridge, and begining to ping the information to the squad she is taking. "Grab gear, and meet at the Roc, were hunting Brutus mercs, Pixie, do you know if Carmen is in the area?"
The Roc dropship roared towards the hexadrome, leaving the Haqqislamite ship, locked in its docks.
"Objectives are simple, fight towards the armory structure, verify its contents, blow it up. Secondary objective is to secure a high value individual. I am sending a picture of them to your devices. Give final equipment checks, and hold a thumb over your head to denote readiness." Maih had to yell into her radio. The squad was utilizing older radio frequencies on their commlogs, and the two rafiqs were functioning on isolated geists using near communicaitons.
The unit did their final checks and before long everyone in the dropship was holding a thumb up over their head. Nodding, Maih responded with her own thumbs up.
The Roc touched down with a roar of its engines and a thud, disembarking she began spreading the unit out and noting their required positions on the overlay map. Haley, recently inducted into the Zhayaden, and her missile launcher on a roof in overwatch of the armory alongside a newer individual in the unit, a Ghulam soldier named Talibah Hassan. Harun El'Mofty and his hacking device joined them safely tucked inside the structure, while Asil Tilki, and another newer member of the unit, a Doctor by the name of Neema El-Amin.
Taking the left flank, was Ein-213, the Refiq beeping a tune while it waddled towards its assigned position, his partner, the Namurr Kepri, teaching him new notes. The two of them treating this outing like a small walk rather than a mission. Another Rafiq headed towards the right flank with Palavi, the large Khawarij, Fahim, and Maih herself. On their way over, the sound of a motorcycle roared up, followed by the loaping gait of an antipode. Screaching to a halt, the dark skinned woman smilled, "I hear from Pixie you got a job for me?"
"Aywa." Maih says, nodding, "Standard rate for RTF assignments, agreed?"
"Hah! You hear that Batard? You're getting steak tonight bud!"
Turn 1
Kepri and Ein-213 advanced quickly on the armory through the lines of shipping containers. The Rafiq feeding sensor data to the Namurrs overlay as they moved forward. Crossing an open area they took cover on the wall of the complex, and Kepri tapped some keys quickly, the doors hissing open. She gave a quick command to the remote who moved quickly up the wall, gaining sight of a shadowy form sitting on overwatch. The Rafiqs advanced sensors took no time in determining it as a Long Ya and its Red Fury erupted into fire, reducing the machine to scrap before pulling back along the wall. With the Long Ya down, Carmen saw her chance to advance some, and roaring up along the shipping containers on the right side, she dropped smoke, obscuring the path for the auxilary remote and Maihs team to move up.
Movement along a rooftop on the far side of the complex caught Haley's attention as she readied her Missile Launcher, it moved to quickly though for her to get a good look, "Careful, I saw movement in the Yujingese lines!"
Contact was suddenly reported by one of the Fanous remotes, its targetting systems were apparently finely tuned as it sent a laser directly into the optics of Major Lunahs multispectral visors blinding her as she tried to take a shot. The Long Ya next to her decided to try and break its stealth by taking shots of its own, only to have its targetting system blinded by the accurate laser of the Fanous. The mimetic form of a Beasthunter suddenly darted over a shipping container and behind the armory, taking cover along the wall and crawling around the corner to catch Ein-213 by surprise. The mercenaries axe disabled the remote, its heavy form crashing onto the ground as it stood up and dashed into the army. Kepri's feline eyes flashed as she grinned at the Beasthunter. As the axe came down she slapped the it aside with her bracers, the metal blade bitting intot he floor of the structure as she drew her scimitar and in a flash, buried it in the would-be assassin.
A burst of fire passed the door into the Fanous on the left flank suddenly announced the presence of a dangerous foe. The thermal optic camoflouge that had previously been hiding the Hac Tao machine gunner fell away as the hunter began to take action. Kepri dodged around a central pillar of the Armory room to put some cover between her and the doors. The sinister form of the hevay infantry suddenly appeared at the door, his machine gun roaring. not even her enhanced reflexes were able to entirely dodge the stream of bullets, one ripping through side. Grimacing she took full cover behind the pillar. The soldier stepped into the armory room, pulling his pistol and trying to put shots into the super soldier, but her reflexes were too quick as she dodged the pistols shots.
Turn 2
"Could use some help here, Ra'id!" She yelled over the radio.
"Yea we're on the way to you already." Maih responded, as Carmen dropped a smoke grenade in the alley to cover their movements from the opposing Long Ya.
Moving quickly, her heavy coat trailing behind her as she activated her multispectral visors and readied her marksman rifle. Crossing a street leading to the armory, she slammed her shoulder into the building to stop herself as she raised her rifle onto the Hac Tao's form. The soldier dropped his pistol, trying to raise his machine gun in time, but he was too slow. Several rapid shots from the AP Marksmans Rifle from Maih slammed into the heavy armor and breaking through, dropping him to the floor of the Armory. This allowed Kepri to continue ransacking the armory and planting charges. Along the alley Fahim advanced, his spitfire raised as he rounded a large storage tank. He got sight of an automated turret and a quick burst of fire reduced it to scrap. Pulling back again, he aligned his sights on another remote, a Yu Jing repeater remote, and another quick burst of fire reduced it to scrap.
The fast, stomping form of a Su Jian suddenly came bolting around the structure that Lunah and the Long Ya were shooting from, moving quickly up the street and around a large tank structure. Carmen and Batard tried to dodge away, but in a swift action it transformed, its heavy shotgun roaring. A quick shot from Carmon hit it solidly, but so did the the heavy spread of the assault weapon. Ducking back into cover, a shaolin monk came bolting out towards the armory. Haley's rocket roared from the tube smashing into the monk mid air as it tossed a smoke grenade, covering the su jians path across the street. The remote trooper took advantage of this moving swiftly to the armory complex, Krit Kokram right on its tail. Tucking against the wall, it swiftly transformed, pulling up its shotgun. Kepri dodge quickly, trying to take cover in a corner to cover the door, raising her heavy pistol.
Swiftly the feline like robot, moved across the door, the shotgun roaring again. Even at such a close range, Kepri deftly dodged the first volley, the rounds slamming into the wall behind her as she moved deftly towards the Su Jian, her blade flashing into her hand. The robotic beast was not finished though as the gun roared again, a round finding home in her gut, slamming her back against the wall, and knocking her out. Krit moved in quickly to ensure the armory was secured by Yu Jing.
Turn 3
Creeping quickly up a row of connex boxes, Pixie shouldered her SMG, a wild grin on her face as found the far flank of the Yu Jing forces. Unbeknownst to her though, Lunah heard her coming and quickly turned to face her with the Long Ya. The Nahabs SMG roared, as she began emptying the clip at the two foes above her. Unfortunately none of her round found home, a pistol shot knocked her in the leg. Looking to the left she saw a woman ina red dress and a tablet, cowering against a fuel depot silo. She looked nervously at the angry Nahab, and back at Lunah up ontop of the building.
"You're coming with me, chelb!" Pixie screams, grabbing the collar of the Yu Jing woman and dragging her back into the alley, her SMG suppressing.
Shaking her head, Maih knew at least Pixie had aquired the target person.
"Ra'id, can I end this threat now?" Fahim calmly asks, slamming a new cylinder into the Spitfires reciever, and ensuring a round is chambered.
"Inshallah." She responds, nodding, taking position near the large Khawarij.
The super soldier turns and leaps straight into the air over the connex they were hiding behind, his Spitfire roaring as it reduces the Long Ya to scrap. He then begins moving along the connex boxes towards the armory doors, bolting across the open street, he deftly turns as he spies Lunah leveling her rifle. Her shot goes wide passed him as he responds with the spitfire again, a stream of lead knocking her back onto the roof. The team quickly makes it to the side of the armory. Checking that Maih and Palavi were with him, he swings into the room, immediatly charging at Krit Kokram, leaping up onto him. The weight of the Khawarij, and the stream of bullets at point blank range bring the yujingese man to the floor, bleeding out as Fahims heavy form lands squarely ontop of him. A round from the Su Jian covering the back door hits him squarly in his armored chest as he throws his momentum into a tumble off of Krit. Bouncing back onto his feet, Fahim charges the back door and the mechanical beast, his spitfire again roaring, putting several rounds into the remote, but the heavy armor shrugs it off as Fahim pulls his scimitar from its belt.
Smoke suddenly blooms up behind the Su Jian as the confict soldiers advance. Both Haley and Talibahs missile launchers respond, blowing several of them up, but another runs into the smoke directly at Fahim. The Khawarij wasted no energy deflecting the unskilled attack and quickly cutting the man down with a flash of his blade. This unfortunately distracted him though as the robotic fist of the Su Jian connected with his chest knocking back to the ground in the armory and breaking his armor. Palavi and Maih both dodged into further cover, but the cat moved around the side and sent a slug into Maih's side. The Su Jian suddenly ceased though as El'mofty's emoticons filled Maihs overlay. A repeating character of a cat with a bandage over its mouth. Looking around the door, Palavi saw the frozen form of the Su Jian.
"Affirmative." Palavi responds ont he radio, "Maih! You okay?"
"No. But yes." Maih groans in response. "Fahim! Wake up! Grab Kepri and lets go, the place is rigged!"
Shaking his head, Fahim gets off the ground and grabs Kepri's collar. Giving a strangly cat like "murr" of protest, she remained limp as she is dragged out of the room. Stumbling out of the complex, Maih seals the doors.
"Ra'id, we have you on visual. Remotes retrieved." came the voice of the Roc's pilot as a spot light suddenly illuminates the team in the street, and with a roar it lands heavily on the ground. "Area is hot in 1 minute, get in now."
The Roc ascends into the air about 30 seconds later and only a few more moments later, the armories explosion rocks the ship. In the front of the squad bay, a scared and bound woman in a red dress lays on the floor.
"Well done, mission successful. Lets get back, and deal with the wounded. El'Mofty, wire the payment to Carmen. She may need it for medical expenses." Maih says removing her visors, a green checkbox appeared from El'Mofty.
Kneeling down on the floor by the yujingese woman, Maih checks her physically for anything that might be a weapon or quantronic device.
"El'Mofty, is she clean?"
Three green checkmark boxes appear in her commlog.
"Good, she looks like she might be a handler for Brutus. We will let our friends on the ahd-Dhib deal with that."
The Roc flew quickly back to the Haqqislamite ship, still locked securely in its dock.
Scenario: The Armory
Result: Win (6-4)
Location: Bridge of the HNS ahd-Dhib
The bridge was quiet and dark, the lights of the vessels control panels blinking and strobing various different colors and patterns, throwing light around the room, and illuminating the faces of the skeleton crew on the bridge, all transfixed to their work. Captain Fayaz Aafah stood silently, watching one of the screens over the shoulder of the technician in the chair. He strocked his beard in a calming manner as he watched the various lines of text and reports come across. Maih approached him from behind, waiting for him to acknowledge her before interupting.
"Go ahead sister, I apologize, I cant really give you my full attention yet." His voice was calm, but she heard the stress.
"I have recovered thanks to the doctors, I was wondering if we had orders yet? If not, then you being the Captain of the vessel are considered High Command." Maih said.
Taking a few moments of silence, Captain Aafah nods, and turns towards her, his face was gaunt.
"This AI is probably the greatest threat this ship has faced in some time. I would rather be back on the blockade of Concillium wormhole than dealing with this Brutus assaulting the quantronic walls of our ship. The Nomad contingent is doing Allahs work in our defense. If only we could get the locks off this damned ship, but he has us sealed up tight." Walking over to the central Captains chair, he flops down cursing,"Yakhsaf allah bih al’ard..."
Rubbing his temples, Captain Aafah passes Maih a piece of paper, "Some friends of yours used a bird of all things to deliver this. I didnt read it, but it did have The Old Mans seal."
"Did you say a bird? Like a beak and feathers, bird?" she asked incredulously, taking the letter.
"Yup, flew right up onto one of the spinal batteries and began pecking one of the sensors."
Shaking her head in disbelief, Maih opened the small letter and read.
"Hexadrome, enemy amassing, armory too full, contact in red dress, grab."
"Looks like we have our mission Captain, the hexadrome complex and an armory near it." She passes the letter to her brother, who reads it quickly then pulls up a map of the city.
Zooming into the Caligo Hexadrome, he highlights a few structures, before speaking into his commlog, "I need a blue beam drone sent over the Caligo Hexadrome."
Looking to Maih, he explains, "A blue beam drone is none quantronic drone, its a line of site binary connection, nothing Brutus can do to it. The mast should have the height to keep it line of site, it was basically made for these types of missions. The Hexadrome isnt far."
As if on queue, the front view screen on the bridge came to life, and they could see the flight towards the large structure, not far in the distance. As it gained alititude they were able to see the stockpiles of equipment and manpower. Mercenaries from all over the sector. One large, and well guarded structure caught their attention though, and zoomed in.
"That, looks like an armory." Maih said.
Nodding, her brother sent over the coordinates, "Keep the Roc quantronically disconnected, and on line of sight radio. You might have to go a bit old school here, this rogue AI is a problem."
"Good call, I am going to take Raqib El'Mofty to keep an eye on our quantronics, can you spare him?" she asked.
"Yes, I think we can. It looks like a Yujingese mercenary group is defending the armory....ah and this must be the red dress." Captain Aafah said, zooming in on a young Yujingese woman in an elaborate red dress, wandering the area with a tablet in hand. "Good luck, Allah bless your hunt, sister."
"Inshallah, brother." Maih responds, leaving the bridge, and begining to ping the information to the squad she is taking. "Grab gear, and meet at the Roc, were hunting Brutus mercs, Pixie, do you know if Carmen is in the area?"
The Roc dropship roared towards the hexadrome, leaving the Haqqislamite ship, locked in its docks.
"Objectives are simple, fight towards the armory structure, verify its contents, blow it up. Secondary objective is to secure a high value individual. I am sending a picture of them to your devices. Give final equipment checks, and hold a thumb over your head to denote readiness." Maih had to yell into her radio. The squad was utilizing older radio frequencies on their commlogs, and the two rafiqs were functioning on isolated geists using near communicaitons.
The unit did their final checks and before long everyone in the dropship was holding a thumb up over their head. Nodding, Maih responded with her own thumbs up.
The Roc touched down with a roar of its engines and a thud, disembarking she began spreading the unit out and noting their required positions on the overlay map. Haley, recently inducted into the Zhayaden, and her missile launcher on a roof in overwatch of the armory alongside a newer individual in the unit, a Ghulam soldier named Talibah Hassan. Harun El'Mofty and his hacking device joined them safely tucked inside the structure, while Asil Tilki, and another newer member of the unit, a Doctor by the name of Neema El-Amin.
Taking the left flank, was Ein-213, the Refiq beeping a tune while it waddled towards its assigned position, his partner, the Namurr Kepri, teaching him new notes. The two of them treating this outing like a small walk rather than a mission. Another Rafiq headed towards the right flank with Palavi, the large Khawarij, Fahim, and Maih herself. On their way over, the sound of a motorcycle roared up, followed by the loaping gait of an antipode. Screaching to a halt, the dark skinned woman smilled, "I hear from Pixie you got a job for me?"
"Aywa." Maih says, nodding, "Standard rate for RTF assignments, agreed?"
"Hah! You hear that Batard? You're getting steak tonight bud!"
Turn 1
Kepri and Ein-213 advanced quickly on the armory through the lines of shipping containers. The Rafiq feeding sensor data to the Namurrs overlay as they moved forward. Crossing an open area they took cover on the wall of the complex, and Kepri tapped some keys quickly, the doors hissing open. She gave a quick command to the remote who moved quickly up the wall, gaining sight of a shadowy form sitting on overwatch. The Rafiqs advanced sensors took no time in determining it as a Long Ya and its Red Fury erupted into fire, reducing the machine to scrap before pulling back along the wall. With the Long Ya down, Carmen saw her chance to advance some, and roaring up along the shipping containers on the right side, she dropped smoke, obscuring the path for the auxilary remote and Maihs team to move up.
Movement along a rooftop on the far side of the complex caught Haley's attention as she readied her Missile Launcher, it moved to quickly though for her to get a good look, "Careful, I saw movement in the Yujingese lines!"
Contact was suddenly reported by one of the Fanous remotes, its targetting systems were apparently finely tuned as it sent a laser directly into the optics of Major Lunahs multispectral visors blinding her as she tried to take a shot. The Long Ya next to her decided to try and break its stealth by taking shots of its own, only to have its targetting system blinded by the accurate laser of the Fanous. The mimetic form of a Beasthunter suddenly darted over a shipping container and behind the armory, taking cover along the wall and crawling around the corner to catch Ein-213 by surprise. The mercenaries axe disabled the remote, its heavy form crashing onto the ground as it stood up and dashed into the army. Kepri's feline eyes flashed as she grinned at the Beasthunter. As the axe came down she slapped the it aside with her bracers, the metal blade bitting intot he floor of the structure as she drew her scimitar and in a flash, buried it in the would-be assassin.
A burst of fire passed the door into the Fanous on the left flank suddenly announced the presence of a dangerous foe. The thermal optic camoflouge that had previously been hiding the Hac Tao machine gunner fell away as the hunter began to take action. Kepri dodged around a central pillar of the Armory room to put some cover between her and the doors. The sinister form of the hevay infantry suddenly appeared at the door, his machine gun roaring. not even her enhanced reflexes were able to entirely dodge the stream of bullets, one ripping through side. Grimacing she took full cover behind the pillar. The soldier stepped into the armory room, pulling his pistol and trying to put shots into the super soldier, but her reflexes were too quick as she dodged the pistols shots.
Turn 2
"Could use some help here, Ra'id!" She yelled over the radio.
"Yea we're on the way to you already." Maih responded, as Carmen dropped a smoke grenade in the alley to cover their movements from the opposing Long Ya.
Moving quickly, her heavy coat trailing behind her as she activated her multispectral visors and readied her marksman rifle. Crossing a street leading to the armory, she slammed her shoulder into the building to stop herself as she raised her rifle onto the Hac Tao's form. The soldier dropped his pistol, trying to raise his machine gun in time, but he was too slow. Several rapid shots from the AP Marksmans Rifle from Maih slammed into the heavy armor and breaking through, dropping him to the floor of the Armory. This allowed Kepri to continue ransacking the armory and planting charges. Along the alley Fahim advanced, his spitfire raised as he rounded a large storage tank. He got sight of an automated turret and a quick burst of fire reduced it to scrap. Pulling back again, he aligned his sights on another remote, a Yu Jing repeater remote, and another quick burst of fire reduced it to scrap.
The fast, stomping form of a Su Jian suddenly came bolting around the structure that Lunah and the Long Ya were shooting from, moving quickly up the street and around a large tank structure. Carmen and Batard tried to dodge away, but in a swift action it transformed, its heavy shotgun roaring. A quick shot from Carmon hit it solidly, but so did the the heavy spread of the assault weapon. Ducking back into cover, a shaolin monk came bolting out towards the armory. Haley's rocket roared from the tube smashing into the monk mid air as it tossed a smoke grenade, covering the su jians path across the street. The remote trooper took advantage of this moving swiftly to the armory complex, Krit Kokram right on its tail. Tucking against the wall, it swiftly transformed, pulling up its shotgun. Kepri dodge quickly, trying to take cover in a corner to cover the door, raising her heavy pistol.
Swiftly the feline like robot, moved across the door, the shotgun roaring again. Even at such a close range, Kepri deftly dodged the first volley, the rounds slamming into the wall behind her as she moved deftly towards the Su Jian, her blade flashing into her hand. The robotic beast was not finished though as the gun roared again, a round finding home in her gut, slamming her back against the wall, and knocking her out. Krit moved in quickly to ensure the armory was secured by Yu Jing.
Turn 3
Creeping quickly up a row of connex boxes, Pixie shouldered her SMG, a wild grin on her face as found the far flank of the Yu Jing forces. Unbeknownst to her though, Lunah heard her coming and quickly turned to face her with the Long Ya. The Nahabs SMG roared, as she began emptying the clip at the two foes above her. Unfortunately none of her round found home, a pistol shot knocked her in the leg. Looking to the left she saw a woman ina red dress and a tablet, cowering against a fuel depot silo. She looked nervously at the angry Nahab, and back at Lunah up ontop of the building.
"You're coming with me, chelb!" Pixie screams, grabbing the collar of the Yu Jing woman and dragging her back into the alley, her SMG suppressing.
Shaking her head, Maih knew at least Pixie had aquired the target person.
"Ra'id, can I end this threat now?" Fahim calmly asks, slamming a new cylinder into the Spitfires reciever, and ensuring a round is chambered.
"Inshallah." She responds, nodding, taking position near the large Khawarij.
The super soldier turns and leaps straight into the air over the connex they were hiding behind, his Spitfire roaring as it reduces the Long Ya to scrap. He then begins moving along the connex boxes towards the armory doors, bolting across the open street, he deftly turns as he spies Lunah leveling her rifle. Her shot goes wide passed him as he responds with the spitfire again, a stream of lead knocking her back onto the roof. The team quickly makes it to the side of the armory. Checking that Maih and Palavi were with him, he swings into the room, immediatly charging at Krit Kokram, leaping up onto him. The weight of the Khawarij, and the stream of bullets at point blank range bring the yujingese man to the floor, bleeding out as Fahims heavy form lands squarely ontop of him. A round from the Su Jian covering the back door hits him squarly in his armored chest as he throws his momentum into a tumble off of Krit. Bouncing back onto his feet, Fahim charges the back door and the mechanical beast, his spitfire again roaring, putting several rounds into the remote, but the heavy armor shrugs it off as Fahim pulls his scimitar from its belt.
Smoke suddenly blooms up behind the Su Jian as the confict soldiers advance. Both Haley and Talibahs missile launchers respond, blowing several of them up, but another runs into the smoke directly at Fahim. The Khawarij wasted no energy deflecting the unskilled attack and quickly cutting the man down with a flash of his blade. This unfortunately distracted him though as the robotic fist of the Su Jian connected with his chest knocking back to the ground in the armory and breaking his armor. Palavi and Maih both dodged into further cover, but the cat moved around the side and sent a slug into Maih's side. The Su Jian suddenly ceased though as El'mofty's emoticons filled Maihs overlay. A repeating character of a cat with a bandage over its mouth. Looking around the door, Palavi saw the frozen form of the Su Jian.
"Affirmative." Palavi responds ont he radio, "Maih! You okay?"
"No. But yes." Maih groans in response. "Fahim! Wake up! Grab Kepri and lets go, the place is rigged!"
Shaking his head, Fahim gets off the ground and grabs Kepri's collar. Giving a strangly cat like "murr" of protest, she remained limp as she is dragged out of the room. Stumbling out of the complex, Maih seals the doors.
"Ra'id, we have you on visual. Remotes retrieved." came the voice of the Roc's pilot as a spot light suddenly illuminates the team in the street, and with a roar it lands heavily on the ground. "Area is hot in 1 minute, get in now."
The Roc ascends into the air about 30 seconds later and only a few more moments later, the armories explosion rocks the ship. In the front of the squad bay, a scared and bound woman in a red dress lays on the floor.
"Well done, mission successful. Lets get back, and deal with the wounded. El'Mofty, wire the payment to Carmen. She may need it for medical expenses." Maih says removing her visors, a green checkbox appeared from El'Mofty.
Kneeling down on the floor by the yujingese woman, Maih checks her physically for anything that might be a weapon or quantronic device.
"El'Mofty, is she clean?"
Three green checkmark boxes appear in her commlog.
"Good, she looks like she might be a handler for Brutus. We will let our friends on the ahd-Dhib deal with that."
The Roc flew quickly back to the Haqqislamite ship, still locked securely in its dock.
Scenario: The Armory
Result: Win (6-4)
Thursday, June 8, 2023
Characters of Task Force 27 Part 2
The following are characters that have made appearances in the Task Force and are semi-permanent:
Raqib Haroun El-Mofty (Hacker) - Haroun is a recluse. When aboard the ship, he is often found in the qunatronic control suite assisting the Nomad hackers, or in his bunk, surfing Arachne and Mayanet at the same time. In the field, he is quiet and efficient, preffering to be left to his own devices and achieving his given mission in his own way, he will often be admonissioned for his communications style of emoticons across the units geists rather than full speech.
Raqib Qadir Kader (FO) - The one often assigned to translate Harouns communications style, often jokingly refered to as Harouns big sister, which she despises. The two get along as well as water and oil, and would preffer not having to interact with the recluse. Her proffesionalism and direct communications are in stark contrst to her coworker, and is often chosen for missions over Haroun due to this.
Janissary Corps
Kolagasi Tadashi Binici (AP Rifle) - The leader of the Jannissary detachment aboard the adh-Dhib. He is an intelligent and resourceful man, with a strong faith in Haqqislam. A veteran Jannissary of many campaigns, he is often on the bridge providing his own tactical insights.
Mülâzım-ı Sani Paavo Kartal (HMG) - The Jannissary Corps machine gunner, she is a jovial and familiar figure in the squad bay, often leading games or drills. A very active individual, it is rare to see her sitting still unless doing maintenance on her weapon.
Onbaşı Xun Teke (BSG and Tinbot) - The units auxilary information warefare specialist. Xun knows enough about quantronic warfare to provide a modicum of protection to the unit. He keeps his Tinbot close at hand and in pristine order. He often will be chatting with the Nomads contingent in his free time, learning the ins and outs of quantronic warfare, to which the Nomads happily teach such an enthusiastic student.
Onbaşı Ignatia Macar (Missile Launcher) - Ignatia is small for a Jannissary, and always has been. Her suit is specially modified to accomodate her short stature by having built in ambulatory extensions. This doesnt stop her form being a crack shot though. She has been known to slip her missiles into hard to reach places, and hit targets who thought themselves safe.
Çavuş Abas Solak (Akbar Doctor) - Abas is a celebrated doctor. A renowned Physician before joining the corps, he is probably the best doctor aboard the adh-Dhib and will often open a temporary clinic wherever the ship docks, providing his knowledge and expertise whever they go for free. Due to this, he is often the best doctor whever they end up and is in high demand even before the landing or docking sequence completes for the ship. His smiling, grey haired face is a welcomeing sight.
Asawira Corps
Naqib Sharifa Mostafa (AP Spitfire) - A cold and calculating hunter, Mostafa is the leader of the attached Asawira Corp. Deftly profficient in both gun and blade, she is a whirling dervish of destruction upon the battlefield, and when connected to the rest of her team has seen oppenents decimated before them.
Mulazim Zahra Soliman (Doctor) - A devoutly religious woman, she is the moral and theological pillar of the group. She is often found performing religious exercises and rituals for the unit as a whole. On the field, her skills in combat come forth in her defense of Haqqislam, and the protection of her compatriots.
Mulazim Rana Youssef (Rifle/DA CCW) - A self proclaimed blademaster, she is seen honing her skills for long hours in the training facilities. Often asking for duels or training sessions from others, she has traveled far and wide to learn an array of martial arts. Many liken her to an ancient samurai, traveling the land and learning the blade.
Hassassin Govads
Sarjukhe Ava Hakimi (Engineer) - The Govads squad leader, Ava is one of the rare survivors of the Equinox War. She has seen most of her passed squadmates and friends killed by the terrorist group Equinox, and its made her a closed off, and hard individual. This comes out in an extremely tough and dedicated training regimen for her unit.
Sarbaz yekom Nasrin Paria (Sniper) - A patient hunter, who lives by the mantra one shot, one kill. A former Lasiq sniper, she was transfered to the Govads to assist in the units rebuild. Providing over watch for her team during missions, she provides accurate and timely communications on enemy movement and weapon systems, and this is often used by Arman, the units heavy weapons specialist.
Sarbaz yekom Arman Babak (Missile Launcher) - Arrogance and Armon go hand in hand. While its not misplaced, it is perhaps over the top. Arman is a skilled and seasoned soldier, formerly of the Ghulam regiments before being found by the forces of the Old Man of the Mountain. He now puts his skills to good use for the Hassassins, even if they do have to put up with his bravado.
Sarbaz yekom Soroush Bahram (Hacker) - Formerly a black hat hacker for a biomedical firm in Al'Medinat. The firm was disolved by the Hassassins due to its illegal and unethical practices that were uncovered by an anonymous source. Soroush was a target of high priority though in the fallout, and he was given an offer by the Hassassins, join them and use his skills for the good of Haqqislam, or never find employment again on Bourak. Soroush was not opposed to the Hassassins ideals, and he readily joined up, using his skills for the good of humanity.
Sarbaz yekom Jasmine Reza (HMG) - Jasmine, former name unknown, was a talent stolen from the Jannissary Corps. A heavy gunner by trade, her unit was mostly wiped out on the Paradiso Front at the Ghezirah Space Elevator, herself being severely injured. During recovery, she was approached with an offer to join the Govads. Her old life ended, and her new life as Jasmine began. The former Jannissary dieing of her wounds suddenly in the hospital bed. Since then, she has provide assault and fire suppression capabilities to the unit.
Alya Davani - Alya is a different type of Fiday. She will often times focus on covert information gathering and espionage activities. She will wait for the right opprtunity to strike to weaken the enemy forces, working closely and in concert with Task Force 29 and its objectives. Maih Aafah knows that if Alya greats her, then the Old Man has a mission.
Sotvan yekom Ahmad Kabiri - Growing up in the Tuareg tribes, Ahmad already had a great deal of survival training in the desert. Following the legends of the Hassassins, he ventured into the Azar desert, seeking the Old Man. He traveled for weeks, surviving as he could off the sands. When finally he was nearing the end of his skills, he found the Hassassins, or rather, the Hassassins made themselves known to him. Since then he has served faithfully in the Farzan corp, providing training and lessons to both new Hassassin members and members of other militaries needing desert survival training.
Sotvan yekom Fariba Rajavi - Fariba is a survivalist and scholar. Not only is she trained by the Tuareg in desert survival, she traveled the jungles of Aconticimento, and the tundras of Svarlheima. She is the very deffinition of survivalist, able to thrive in any biome. When shes not physically training, she is mentally training, reading the Quran, and the Bible. She reads the texts of Marx, Bakunin, Confusious, and Sun Tzu. Her teachings in the Order are long, and complex as she describes philosophical points in broad and deep points. When Task Force 29 is working with other national entities, she is often seen at the side of Maih to assist in cultural translation.
Sarjukhe Daria Jahandar (Hacker) - Daria and her twin sister Nasrin, had the unique opportunity of having employment right after graduation of their university class. Employed at a information security company called "Faraheed Information Solutions", they worked as cybersecurity specialists. The fact that this company had no headquarters, or point of contact, and that the job entailed 100% travel did seem odd though. Daria had unique skills that the Barids wanted in conjunction with her sister, as such they were given fake jobs after graduation, and inducted into the Hassassin order. There they wer given combat training, and powerful black market quantronic devices to assist in their task of cyberwarfare.
Sarjukhe Nasrin Jahandar (Killer Hacker) - Similiar to her sister, Nasrin is young, and idealistic. A devoted follower to the Hassassin and Haqqislamite ways, she was the primary driver for bringing her sister into the Hassassins when they reached out to the pair. She sees the megacorporations and great powers as a danger to the humanist ideals. Panoceania sees profit at the expense of lives, Yu Jing's collective ideals see the sacrifice of individuals for the advancement of the State, Nomads individualism and libertarian, and anarchic ideals see those who cannot survive, die. Humanity must look after itself, and lift up the weakest elements. She will bring about this change through quantronic space, bringing cybernetic ruin to any companies or individuals profiting off the suffering of people.
Nema-3 (Viral Rifle) - It is unsure if the pseudo-ai programming of this Sunduqbut is glitched, or if it is workign properly, but one thing is certain, Nema-3 is psychotic, perhaps sadistic.
Sotvan yekom Liu Wan (AP Rifle) - A Yu Jingese expat, Liu was a skilled Invincible operative. A member of the Shang Ji, and skilled in many things from search and rescue, to asset recovery, to direct action. He was killed during the Commercial conflicts, but his personal belief in honor regardless of nationality, set him at odds with the Party. On the battlefield, he worked closely with a Knight Hospitalar to protect a Ramah Task Force medical camp safe from a Yu Jing mining corporation driving them out. He was directly ordered to move the beligerents by any means necessary, but he saw it as dishonorable to attack a medical camp, and stood his ground. When he died a few missions later, his cube was stored and blacklisted. Thats when the Old Man came to him with an offer. A premium lhost, and a place in the Hassassins so long as he forsook his Yu Jing oaths, and dedicated himself to the ways of Haqqislam. Since then, he has never looked back. His skills and dedication working towards saving the lives of countless Haqqislamite citizens, and even those of other nations when the need arises, and he is not chastized or blacklisted for it, but rather praised.
Sotvan yekom Anahita Afshar (SMG/Flammenspear) - To say Anahita was a failure of the Sunurr program would be not entirely correct. The program did not fully work on her, but she was still capable of service. Due to the programs tenants though the doctors could not be sure that there would be conflicts to her body further down the road so she was disharged. To have a super soldier fail the program is not seen as a dishonor though, and the state supports you well, and so do the people. You worked to progress the human ideal, and that is of the utmost admiration. That does not fill the void in your being though, the sense of loss of purpose. Forsaking all of the state benefits, Anahita died, allowing the Old Man to resurect her into the Hassassin order. Here she found new purpose, and a new drive for being. It is still unknown if she is entirely unaffected by the failed experiment, she does sometimes black out under stress after all, only to awaken to a blood filled battlefield.
Sotvan yekom Leila Nouzari (Rifle/Panzerfaust) - Leila spent much of her life hunting the deadly wild life of the Azar Desert on Bourak, up to and including the Kum tribes. Cold blooded, and emotionless, the only thing that she feels is the slight joy of watching the target in her sights stop moving.
Tuesday, June 6, 2023
Characters of Task Force 27 Part 1
The following are the known constant members of Task Force 29:
‘Aqid Fayaz Aafah (Captain) - Fayaz is an excentric trickster, but excellent leader and decision maker. Due to his out of the box thinking, his posting of Captain of the HNS adh-Dhiʼb was unopposed. A veteran Qapu Khalqi commander, he has been captain now for a few years, and has lead the vessel on multiple successful engagements.
Ra’id Maih Aafah (Major) - A veteran of many conflicts at this point in time, she began her career in the Qapu Khalqi as analumni of the Haqqislamite officers academy in Al-Khaafidif. A gifted tactician already, her experience on the battlefield has only made her an invaluable asset to the Ramah Task Force. Well respected by the members of Task Force 29, she leads with a cool and collected demeanor, minimizing casualties and focusing on the mission at hand.
Ghulam Regiment
Çavuş Palavi Zyah (Unit Doctor) - The lead doctor of Task Force 27, she is a veteran and long time friend of Maih Aafah. Known for her commitement to her unit and compatriots, she has gunned down threats, no matter the size, to her patients. In Kurage Crisis, she suffered greatly from the Combined Army. While saving the life of Gregory Turner, she was forced into combat with an Avatar of the EI. She emerged from this combat victorious, but her body was broken. She was evacuated after the mission, and taken to Al'Medinat where researchers conducted experimental super soldier procedures to her body, and with the assistent of Doctors from the Black Labs of Praxis, she fully recovered and reentered service.
Uzman Onbaşı Gregory Turner (Auxiliary Heavy Weapons) - Gregory is one of the newest members of Task Force 29, and is designated as an auxilary heavy weapons specialist. More commonly found with a machine gun, he works closely with Haley Tifah, supressing enemies who get to close.
Uzman Onbaşı Haley Tifah (Heavy Weapons Missile Launcher) - A veteran member, Haley is particularly care free of her own safety. A common patient both on and off the battlefield of Palavi, she is very adept at using her Missile Launcher, and sometimes her sniper rifle, to great effect.
Onbaşı Asil Tilki (Specialist) - A silent member of the unit. She is professional and efficient in her work. Trained as a Forward Observer, she has been attached to Task Force 29 for many years, and works closely with the Nomad contingent on board the adh-Dhiʼb.
Raqib Fahim Yachel (Spitfire) - Husband of Palavi Zyah, and well known as the bruiser of the unit. Fahim is a quiet and contemplative type of man and can often by found in the ships gym, silently exercising during the day while Palavi is working in the medical bay. A marksman and close combat specialist, he leads his team of Khawarij courageously. Formerly the units heavy weapons specialist until his induction into the Runihura program due to his years of service and experience.
‘Arif Qadim Said (Khawarij Heavy Rocket Launcher) - A close friend of Fahim's, Qadim is a happy and jovial man who enjoys debating philosophy with anyone who would join him. An avid reader and scholar, he will often work out with Fahim while listening to popular religous scholars on Mayanet.
Mosa’id Khadim Seif (Doctor) - A former and now current coleague of Palavi from Medical School, Khadim was inducted into the Runihura program from his first year of service due to his standout performance in the Paradiso front. Often found assisting Palavi in the medical ward of the adh-Dhiʼb, he is described as a kind and gentle man with a wise,old smile under his beard.
Mosa’id awwal Rashid Toma(NCO) - An avid and expert shooter of the team, Rashid is known as a risk taker. If there is a problem nestled high in a tower, Rashid is the individual for the job, but its also likely he may put himself in far more danger than necessary to do it.
Molazim Rashika Shadid(Red Fury) - A self prclaimed rival of Rashid, Rashika is a hunter par none. Working closely with her unit, she is swift and silent. Clear communications always preceeds her actions, and she uses her multispectral visor naturally to root out hidden threats.
Mosa’id Kalim Amari(Doctor) - A field triage doctor who is quick to step into the fight to defend his compatriots, shotgun in hand, faith in his heart.
Mosa’id Badr Kalb(Viral Rifle) - A respectable officer and squad leader. Badr is a recent inclusion to Task Force 29, and a recent graduate of the officers school. He was tapped for the Mukhtar program due to his veteran status, but this was only a day after Haqqislam High Command commisioned him. This series of events led to the busiest 6 months of his life before shipping out to Task Force 29, where he was taken to Al'Medinat first to undergo the Saeiqa Program, confirm the stable set of the serums and gene sequencing, and then immediatly shiped off to Officers Training School. The afternoon of graduation saw him on a ship to the outer rims.
Molazim Kepri Mostafa - A soldier on loan from Akram Biosciences, Kepri is a capricious, and sly woman. Known for her cat eyes, and predeliction for super human stunts, she is currently running through field tests of the Sunur Super Soldier Program. When operating she is often found advancing swiftly and silently into the enemies lines to wreak havoc. A woman who is the type to act quickly and then communicate, it is not uncommon to find her attached to Fahims unit if for nothing else than to provide some means of control.
Maghariba Guard
Naqib Neith Issa (Maghariba Regiment Pilot) - A quintissential professional, and pinacle of soldiery. Neith has a long and impressive record, even before joining the Maghariba Regiment. Similiar to Maih, she was a star pupil of the Officers Academy of Al-Khaafidif, excelling in all of her subjects. Following that she was on the frontlines of Paradiso leading multiple squads before being hand picked by the Maghariba Regiment. After a brief examination and grueling training period she was awarded piloting rights to a brand new Scorpion Main Battle TAG. From there she faced threats in the most dangerous areas of fighting, continouing to show her capabilities until she was finally transfered to Task Force 29.
Naqib Ishtar Almasi (Maghariba Regiment Pilot) - Neiths TAGmate, Ishtar, is very similiar to herself, also a protege of the Officers Academy and veteran of Paradiso. She differs slightly in her tendency to fight more defensively than aggressively. Preffering ambushes and tactical retreats towards advantagous ground. They make a good pair.
Nahab Unit
Raqib Bahira “Pixie” Mikhail (Killer Hacker) - Pixie is a sociopath. Dangerously intelligent, and quick, it is unknown if the Nahab program furthered her sociopathic tendancies or if this is just who she truly is. Quick to pull her viral blade, she is often let loose into enemy formations to do as she pleases.
Raqib Amanda Davis (Red Fury) - While calling Amanda Davis calmer in comparison to Pixie is technically correct, Amanda is bloodthirsty in her own right. More calculating and objective than her Nahab sister, she is still a rash, and unpredictable force to work with.
Caleb Sanford - Caleb is not officially a member of Task Force 29, but he has never been asked to leave either. He assisted them on a mission Novvy Bangkok, getting Ein-213 back into the fight when a stray round knocked out a servo, and then assisted the remote back to its evac, and joined them. He was thanked for his services to the unit, and expected the captain to ferry the Monstrucker back to the Asteroid. This never happened, and Caleb Sanford has been billing High Command ever since. Some say the Captain simply forgot he was there, the real reason was that Caleb was simply very adept at helping to maintain the ships system. He and the ship appeared to simply have a connection that no other engineer had. So here, Caleb has stayed, the loud thumping of his grav boots a not uncommon sound in the halls of the ship.
Raqib Aharon Deichman (Hacker) - A member of the Tuaregs of Bourak, Aharon, is a son of the Jewish settlers of the desert, and grew up learning how to control the cyberware and computers associated to some of the teraforming devices that his father was in charge of. As he grew up, he fell in love with a woman from one of the Tuareg tribes that frequented his settlement and joined them. After a few years, an accident befell his wife, and she tragically died. Her sister, Chasha was unable to save her even with her medical knowledge. After some time he left to join the Ramah Task Force, joining Chasha to hopefully be apart of something that can save others, where they were unable to save his wife.
Raqib Chasha Adelstein (Doctor) - Sister in law of Aharon Deichman, she lost her love of the desert, and the enjoyment of her tribe when her sister succumbed to that very desert. Having gone to some of the great medical universities of Al'Medinat, she felt compelled to join something bigger than her, and to use her skills in the ability to save others. Joining the Ramah Task Force with her borther in law, the two were both stationed with Task Force 29, working closely in slave interdiction, and pirate hunting.
Ein-213 (Red Fury) - A unique phenomenon, but not unheard of. The geist of this remote gained partial self awareness after its many hours of constant conflict, across multiple theaters. While remotes tend to have a short life span, and are often traded between units, their geists and memories wiped and updated, this never happened to Ein-213. The remote has been dedicated to the unit and has stayed relatively undamaged for years. This is the belief behind why it has a personality and cognitive thought now, having materialized it during the Kurage Crisis. Since this is against protocol and the single AI rule, the unit keeps it a secret as at this point in time, Ein-213 is an extremly capable soldier and beloved by the unit.
‘Aqid Fayaz Aafah (Captain) - Fayaz is an excentric trickster, but excellent leader and decision maker. Due to his out of the box thinking, his posting of Captain of the HNS adh-Dhiʼb was unopposed. A veteran Qapu Khalqi commander, he has been captain now for a few years, and has lead the vessel on multiple successful engagements.
Ra’id Maih Aafah (Major) - A veteran of many conflicts at this point in time, she began her career in the Qapu Khalqi as analumni of the Haqqislamite officers academy in Al-Khaafidif. A gifted tactician already, her experience on the battlefield has only made her an invaluable asset to the Ramah Task Force. Well respected by the members of Task Force 29, she leads with a cool and collected demeanor, minimizing casualties and focusing on the mission at hand.
Ghulam Regiment
Çavuş Palavi Zyah (Unit Doctor) - The lead doctor of Task Force 27, she is a veteran and long time friend of Maih Aafah. Known for her commitement to her unit and compatriots, she has gunned down threats, no matter the size, to her patients. In Kurage Crisis, she suffered greatly from the Combined Army. While saving the life of Gregory Turner, she was forced into combat with an Avatar of the EI. She emerged from this combat victorious, but her body was broken. She was evacuated after the mission, and taken to Al'Medinat where researchers conducted experimental super soldier procedures to her body, and with the assistent of Doctors from the Black Labs of Praxis, she fully recovered and reentered service.
Uzman Onbaşı Gregory Turner (Auxiliary Heavy Weapons) - Gregory is one of the newest members of Task Force 29, and is designated as an auxilary heavy weapons specialist. More commonly found with a machine gun, he works closely with Haley Tifah, supressing enemies who get to close.
Uzman Onbaşı Haley Tifah (Heavy Weapons Missile Launcher) - A veteran member, Haley is particularly care free of her own safety. A common patient both on and off the battlefield of Palavi, she is very adept at using her Missile Launcher, and sometimes her sniper rifle, to great effect.
Onbaşı Asil Tilki (Specialist) - A silent member of the unit. She is professional and efficient in her work. Trained as a Forward Observer, she has been attached to Task Force 29 for many years, and works closely with the Nomad contingent on board the adh-Dhiʼb.
Raqib Fahim Yachel (Spitfire) - Husband of Palavi Zyah, and well known as the bruiser of the unit. Fahim is a quiet and contemplative type of man and can often by found in the ships gym, silently exercising during the day while Palavi is working in the medical bay. A marksman and close combat specialist, he leads his team of Khawarij courageously. Formerly the units heavy weapons specialist until his induction into the Runihura program due to his years of service and experience.
‘Arif Qadim Said (Khawarij Heavy Rocket Launcher) - A close friend of Fahim's, Qadim is a happy and jovial man who enjoys debating philosophy with anyone who would join him. An avid reader and scholar, he will often work out with Fahim while listening to popular religous scholars on Mayanet.
Mosa’id Khadim Seif (Doctor) - A former and now current coleague of Palavi from Medical School, Khadim was inducted into the Runihura program from his first year of service due to his standout performance in the Paradiso front. Often found assisting Palavi in the medical ward of the adh-Dhiʼb, he is described as a kind and gentle man with a wise,old smile under his beard.
Mosa’id awwal Rashid Toma(NCO) - An avid and expert shooter of the team, Rashid is known as a risk taker. If there is a problem nestled high in a tower, Rashid is the individual for the job, but its also likely he may put himself in far more danger than necessary to do it.
Molazim Rashika Shadid(Red Fury) - A self prclaimed rival of Rashid, Rashika is a hunter par none. Working closely with her unit, she is swift and silent. Clear communications always preceeds her actions, and she uses her multispectral visor naturally to root out hidden threats.
Mosa’id Kalim Amari(Doctor) - A field triage doctor who is quick to step into the fight to defend his compatriots, shotgun in hand, faith in his heart.
Mosa’id Badr Kalb(Viral Rifle) - A respectable officer and squad leader. Badr is a recent inclusion to Task Force 29, and a recent graduate of the officers school. He was tapped for the Mukhtar program due to his veteran status, but this was only a day after Haqqislam High Command commisioned him. This series of events led to the busiest 6 months of his life before shipping out to Task Force 29, where he was taken to Al'Medinat first to undergo the Saeiqa Program, confirm the stable set of the serums and gene sequencing, and then immediatly shiped off to Officers Training School. The afternoon of graduation saw him on a ship to the outer rims.
Molazim Kepri Mostafa - A soldier on loan from Akram Biosciences, Kepri is a capricious, and sly woman. Known for her cat eyes, and predeliction for super human stunts, she is currently running through field tests of the Sunur Super Soldier Program. When operating she is often found advancing swiftly and silently into the enemies lines to wreak havoc. A woman who is the type to act quickly and then communicate, it is not uncommon to find her attached to Fahims unit if for nothing else than to provide some means of control.
Maghariba Guard
Naqib Neith Issa (Maghariba Regiment Pilot) - A quintissential professional, and pinacle of soldiery. Neith has a long and impressive record, even before joining the Maghariba Regiment. Similiar to Maih, she was a star pupil of the Officers Academy of Al-Khaafidif, excelling in all of her subjects. Following that she was on the frontlines of Paradiso leading multiple squads before being hand picked by the Maghariba Regiment. After a brief examination and grueling training period she was awarded piloting rights to a brand new Scorpion Main Battle TAG. From there she faced threats in the most dangerous areas of fighting, continouing to show her capabilities until she was finally transfered to Task Force 29.
Naqib Ishtar Almasi (Maghariba Regiment Pilot) - Neiths TAGmate, Ishtar, is very similiar to herself, also a protege of the Officers Academy and veteran of Paradiso. She differs slightly in her tendency to fight more defensively than aggressively. Preffering ambushes and tactical retreats towards advantagous ground. They make a good pair.
Nahab Unit
Raqib Bahira “Pixie” Mikhail (Killer Hacker) - Pixie is a sociopath. Dangerously intelligent, and quick, it is unknown if the Nahab program furthered her sociopathic tendancies or if this is just who she truly is. Quick to pull her viral blade, she is often let loose into enemy formations to do as she pleases.
Raqib Amanda Davis (Red Fury) - While calling Amanda Davis calmer in comparison to Pixie is technically correct, Amanda is bloodthirsty in her own right. More calculating and objective than her Nahab sister, she is still a rash, and unpredictable force to work with.
Caleb Sanford - Caleb is not officially a member of Task Force 29, but he has never been asked to leave either. He assisted them on a mission Novvy Bangkok, getting Ein-213 back into the fight when a stray round knocked out a servo, and then assisted the remote back to its evac, and joined them. He was thanked for his services to the unit, and expected the captain to ferry the Monstrucker back to the Asteroid. This never happened, and Caleb Sanford has been billing High Command ever since. Some say the Captain simply forgot he was there, the real reason was that Caleb was simply very adept at helping to maintain the ships system. He and the ship appeared to simply have a connection that no other engineer had. So here, Caleb has stayed, the loud thumping of his grav boots a not uncommon sound in the halls of the ship.
Raqib Aharon Deichman (Hacker) - A member of the Tuaregs of Bourak, Aharon, is a son of the Jewish settlers of the desert, and grew up learning how to control the cyberware and computers associated to some of the teraforming devices that his father was in charge of. As he grew up, he fell in love with a woman from one of the Tuareg tribes that frequented his settlement and joined them. After a few years, an accident befell his wife, and she tragically died. Her sister, Chasha was unable to save her even with her medical knowledge. After some time he left to join the Ramah Task Force, joining Chasha to hopefully be apart of something that can save others, where they were unable to save his wife.
Raqib Chasha Adelstein (Doctor) - Sister in law of Aharon Deichman, she lost her love of the desert, and the enjoyment of her tribe when her sister succumbed to that very desert. Having gone to some of the great medical universities of Al'Medinat, she felt compelled to join something bigger than her, and to use her skills in the ability to save others. Joining the Ramah Task Force with her borther in law, the two were both stationed with Task Force 29, working closely in slave interdiction, and pirate hunting.
Ein-213 (Red Fury) - A unique phenomenon, but not unheard of. The geist of this remote gained partial self awareness after its many hours of constant conflict, across multiple theaters. While remotes tend to have a short life span, and are often traded between units, their geists and memories wiped and updated, this never happened to Ein-213. The remote has been dedicated to the unit and has stayed relatively undamaged for years. This is the belief behind why it has a personality and cognitive thought now, having materialized it during the Kurage Crisis. Since this is against protocol and the single AI rule, the unit keeps it a secret as at this point in time, Ein-213 is an extremly capable soldier and beloved by the unit.
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The Journey Home Part 5
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