“‘Aqid, we are nearing Jumpgate for the C8-A circular to Concilium. Expected arrival at the waypoint of departure in 20 minutes.”
Fayaz Aafah swiped the ship reports out of his view, his geist filing them into ordered folders as the lanky man stood up, his long legs took him swiftly to the navigator’s station on the bridge of the HNS adh-Dhi’b. While unnecessary, he took it as a good excuse to stretch his legs. The ship had been traveling for some hours, heading to the jumpgate in Human Edge designated for departure to Concilium. The bridge was dimly lit, nestled deep inside the hull of the ship, it was surrounded by screens showing space outside the vessel and various information graphics about the health of the craft. Crew members sat at various consoles around the room monitoring their individual area of expertise.
“Do you have an estimated time of arrival for C8-A? We are scheduled for shipyard maintenance in a couple of weeks.”
The woman working the controls in front of him, tapped a few buttons, and nodded, “Aye, looks to be a further one week of travel time, but we should arrive with some time to spare, sir. C8-A is actually arriving in about an hour, and remaining in system for two before departing.”
“Well done, take us to neutral drift at the waypoint tethered to the beacon. I will get credentials confirmation from Operations.” Fayaz said, turning towards another station on the bridge, “Teğmeni Mehmet, are our Circular Credentials in order?”
“Aye ‘Aqid. I received confirmation from TEC a few minutes ago. Sending ship berthing to Navigation now.” Mehmet slid a packet of information through the small data sphere towards the woman on the helm.
“Got it, confirmed berthing.”
“Well done.” Fayaz says, nodding as he returns to the captain's chair. His aid Temiq, a young ensign, arrived at his side with a mug of tea. Straightening the purple double breasted Ottoman naval coat, he took the drink, and gave a quick thanks, before dismissing him. The gold lapels and buttons on the uniform glowed dimly from the led and screen lights on the bridge.
Fayaz was known as an extravagant captain, preferring to don a 19th century Ottoman naval captain's uniform as opposed to modern trappings. This gave him a very recognizable look in all ports they land in, and often got a few backwards glances as this tall man, outside of time, strode through the crowd. On his hip though, rides a truly ancient relic, a generations old officers sword from when his descendents actually did serve in the Ottoman, then Turkish blue water navies. It was an heirloom that he always intended to honor, even down to a matching uniform from the time period, custom made after receiving his commissioning.
The light cruiser floated quietly through the black void, her impulse engines glowing a soft blue before her bow thrusters began firing. Approaching the floating beacon in space, other ships of many different makes and models, and nations floated. The occasional flare of thrusters seen as they maneuvered to remain in position, relative to the beacon.
In the distance, beyond the sight of human eyes, was the jump gate. This massive complex of floating rings and accompanying space station floating in the void was used to stabilize the wormholes that enabled travel between the planetary systems held by the various nations of the Human Sphere. Occasionally charged electricity could be seen arcing, but otherwise it lay dormant. This changed dramatically as the massive form of the Circular began breaching the event horizon. Blue and white light shot out, as space rippled within the jumpgate, and the surface was broken by the gargantuan shape of C8-A. A Circular is not a small object, neither does the word large describe it well. Very little in the Human Sphere is as awe inspiring as the massive bulk of a circular coming through a jumpgate, almost like its breaching the surface of reality, electricity and blue lightning rippling around it.
As the long frame of the Circular cleared the event horizon of the jumpgate, a brief flash of light saw the Minotaur engine spin down, as the ship began to perform a long, slow circle around the waypoint beacon to set itself back up towards the jumpgate and to allow ships to embark and disembark. Smaller spacecraft began flying out of the Circular’s hull, impulse trails following behind them from the many berthing bays that dotted the hull of the great train. As it reached the area of the waypoint beacon, awaiting vessels began firing up their impulse drives and moving towards the Circular. Automated systems began guiding the vessels into their assigned berths.
Fayaz nodded to the woman in the navigator's chair, and the Haqqislamite vessel began maneuvering towards its bay. A larger one towards the back of the Circular. Docking took about 15 minutes and the cruiser shuddered slightly as magnetic clamps locked into place. “Berthing completed well, good job. You are all dismissed to grab some food while we wait for the Circular to head into the jumpgate. Ensure you return to your positions within the hour.”
The crew began filtering out of the bridge, several of them stretching as it was the first time they had stood up in hours. Fayaz had his Geist ping his sister, Maih in the soldiers berth, asking her to join him on the bridge. After that, he flicked a few controls on the arm of his chair to change the picture of the main viewing screens on the bridge, to aim outside of the docking area and into space. Leaning back he sipped on his tea while watching the smaller remote vessels flying around the ships. Some were assisting in unloading cargo, or loading people, or helping shunt older starships into their places. Like so many small worker bees buzzing around.
The door behind him hissed open as Maih entered the bridge. Her long black hair was tied up with a thong and polished piece of wood. Wearing a brown and green tank top and trousers, and wearing sneakers, it was obvious he had interrupted her leisure time.
“Was it entirely necessary to call me to the bridge, brother?” Her usually professional tone was dropped, and she sounded like she was addressing her teenage brother from many years ago. He had definitely interrupted her leisure time.
“My dear sister, I simply wished to spend some quality time together.”
Maih crossed her arms and cocked her head, raising an annoyed eyebrow, “You are alone and bored on the bridge.”
Fayaz smiled and sipped his tea again. Sighing and pulling a chair up next to him, she sat down and looked through the view screens at the activity outside as he spoke up.
“We should be at Bourak in a week, and will probably be on leave for some time. The adh-Dhi’b is long over due for maintenance and overhaul. We’re looking at six months minimum. I thought perhaps we could treat mother, and father to a vacation to Medina. We could meet up with Tiana there, I believe she's a Junior at the University? I know dad has been wanting to visit the Great Mosque.”
“I will need to check, just because you don't have a ship for 6 months doesn't mean I don't have work. Most of my unit will probably need to check in at the Tower before we even make port. It’s outside of Medina though so it may be doable. I know the unit as a whole is up for leave as well.”
The two chatted the hour away until the crew began returning to the bridge, one by one, having their own conversations amongst themselves. With the length of the last tour of duty at New Hypatia and then Human Edge, many were very excited for some leave. Maih remained on the bridge, watching as the Circular finished its tasks of cargo and personnel onloading and offloading, as it neared the Jumpgate again.
The crew could feel the vibrations of the Circulars Minotaur engine spinning up. Light and lightning erupted along the hull again as the Circular neared the event horizon of the Jump Gate, and with a flash of light, the Circular passed through the gate. Moments later, a flash of light erupted again as the Circular was exiting a new Jump Gate.
“‘Aqid, we have arrived at the Faraway Jump Gate.” The woman at navigation informed Fayaz.
“Acknowledged, prepare the ship for disembarkation, let's link with the surrounding vessel paths and plot a course.”
“Sir, I believe we may need to reset long range sensors.” The voice came from the ships EMO Sensor Operator.
“What are you seeing?” Fayaz asked, standing up and coming over to the console.
“Sir, I see a lot of unidentified markers heading for the jump gate at speed.”
“Alright, don’t restart the system, keep a watch and once we are disembarked we can activate our higher frequency sensors and directed RADAR’s.”
“Aye sir.”
“Navigation, prepare to take us out as we clear the gate.”
As Circular C8-A cleared the gate, ships began disembarking. The little cruiser shuddered as the docking clamps released and pushed the ship away from the hull. Its engines fired up as it got some distance, and began turning away.
“‘Aqid! Quantronic alert. Ship infowar defense has just gone up due to an alien quantronic probe against its passive firewalls. Signature does not match known nationalities, while it maintains partial match to Combined Army data signatures.”
Fayaz turned in surprise to the Quantronic Warfare desk and ran over to view the information scrolling through the display.
“Sir, quantronic systems are being assaulted, targeting systems and short range sensors. Firewalls holding. We are deploying countermeasures.”
“RADAR and Sensors, what do you have?” Fayaz asked in concern.
“Sir….thats a lot of markers. All enemy! Bearing will put them at Faraway gate in 5 minutes!”
“Allahumma a'inni…” Fayaz breathed in disbelief as he took several quick strides back to his command chair, and pressed a series of buttons, “General Quarters. This is not a drill. Operations, get us shields and guns. Engineering, I need emergency thrusters activated. We need to get between the Circulars and the enemy NOW. QWC I need you to send out spotlights and system attacks. It appears they are only using passive quantronic attacks so I assume they are weak there. Comms inform the Jump Gate of the incoming and our intentions. Get communications with any other military vessel in the area, all bands and frequencies.”
“Aye ‘Aqid!” echoed the bridge.
Maih was standing up looking at the incoming vessels on the sensor screens as she sent notifications and orders to her Task force berthed below. “I'll get my gear and prepare for anti-boarding actions, keep comms open.”
“Yes, go.” Fayaz responded as he went through displays on the incoming ships.
The light cruiser's engines burned bright as the vessel began gaining speed, trying to maneuver through the other vessels fleeing from the Circular. After a couple of minutes, shields and weapons came to life, and the vessel began maneuvering to link with a couple of Yu Jing ships, a Panoceanian heavy cruiser, and a couple of Nomad attack ships.
“‘Aqid, the incoming vessels are not slowing, nor returning hails. I fear our numbers are not enough to make a difference here.” the voice of his first officer spoke up, “I suggest we engage our stealth systems and see if we can’t slip through.”
“RADAR, what is the course of enemy ships and type?” Fayaz asked.
“Sir, unknown type, signature may match old Exrah signatures though, and their course is still set for the Jump Gate.”
“They are set to take out the Gate and there are thousands of people there. Our decision is made for us.”
His First Officer nodded, “May Allah guide us sir.”
Standing and straightening his uniform and saber, Fayaz responded with a slight smile, “At least we rearmed before departing Human Edge. Weapons, you are free to fire as soon as you have acquired a target. Comms, send a high priority message to HNC, ‘The Combined Army are at Faraway Jump Gate, we are engaging. May Allah protect this ship and her crew.’”
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The Journey Home Part 5
A crackle and hiss was all the warning Caleb got for the large Haqqlisamite to grab the young Nomad engineer under the floor panel and yank...

HNS adh-Dhiʼb, or "Wolf Star", Information Warfare Light Cruiser “‘Aqid, we are nearing Jumpgate for the C8-A circular to Concili...
The missiles slammed into the cruiser's shields, collapsing like shattered glass, the residual kinetic energy hitting the hull and rock...
Repair equipment, EXO uniforms, masks, and replacement parts were already littering the Ward Room as Fayaz entered. Tegmin Razeal, Chief of...
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