Alarms rang through the hastily constructed RTF FOB in Akhua District. Maihs geist quickly informed her that Task Force 29 was needed immediatly in response to a Combined Army assault on the district. Moving quickly, she grabbed her rifle, ammunition, and helmet running for the mustering area. As she got there, the rest of her unit was already filtering in, checking weapons and equipment. Civilians the base was protecting began running for cover and safe areas, getting out of the way.
"Combined Army contact to the west, only 4 kilometers." Maih began repeating the information her geist was giving her, as it proactively made objective points on her comlog. "Onbasi Tilki, get your squad, Fahim, and Palavi with me. Sekhmet get to recon, and Khepri, take Ein-213 again, and act in support of Sekhmet. Lets go, looks like additional information states its a MAF, so be ready for CQB."
The unit moved through the buildings of the Akhua Liesure District carefully. Khepri, and ein-213 on the flank with a Fanous, Sekhmet moving along side with Mau. Asil Tilki, Neema and her Missile Launcher, Talibah the Doctor, Haley and her Missile Launcher, and lastly Haroun, the hacker were taking position in a short building with good sight over their AO. Fahim, Palavi, and Maih moved up with a couple Fanous around a large house. A lone Rafiq situated itself between the two main forces.
"Ra'id, we have a CSU here. Hes employed by one of the local businesses, and is willing to give information and assistence." Sekhmets voice came through the comlog.
"Understood, I can authorize payment. Put him under Khepris command." Maih responded.
"Got it, he says he can confirm Morat forces moving through the district. Apparently some alien computer consoles appeared around here yesterday, hes providing positions to all four."
The map on Maihs comlog updated with 4 distinct markings in the district, "I got them. Lets move out, and take control of these consoles."
Turn 1
"Contact! I see smoke rising directly ahead, and movement in the smoke!" Haley called out over the comlog.
Two massive Kaitoks, and a Rindak suddenly burst from the smoke infront of Sekhmet, Mau, Ein-213, and the CSU. They all immediatly opened fire, but a flammenspear suddenly impacted Ein-213, the blast enveloping the Rafiq and the Fanous, damaging them. Sekhmet and Mau immediatly began dodging forward, as the CSU's crackshot from his Breaker Rifle slammed into one of the Kaitoks armor, damaging it.
This slowed them very little as they moved onwards towards the house containing Fahim, Maih, and Palavi. Palavi, immediatly sensing the danger, yelled, "Looks like they know where we are, lets get out of here."
The Doctor immediatly, leapt through a window of the house and onto the street as the Morat hunting group disappeared around the corner. As they approached the door, their quantronic signature pinged on Harouns hacking device and he immediatly shut one down. This detered them little though as the Rindak burst into the door way. Maihs shots went wide as the Morats SMG pur several rounds into her direction, one of which catching her leg. Another burst on Fahim, put the khawarij down. The Rindak then moved along the buildings wall to see a fanous behind Tilki's squad, opening up, he did not notice the other Fanous nearby, extending Harouns hacking range. The hacker immediatly shut down the Morat remote. Finding themselves free of hackers in their area, the small hunting group reset themselves as Sekhmets motor cycle began roaring from down the street.
The biker and Mau immediatly burst from behind a building, the great cat loaping along the bike as they sped. One of the Kaitoks opened up with its chain rifle, but both of them veered to the side, the chains of metal roaring passed. The bore down on the first Kaitok, Maus' limited use rail driver firing into the armored Morat as it sprayed the cat in chain rifle shot. Sekhmet responded as well, spraying down the entire group with her own chain rifle. Both the front Kaitok, and Rindak fell to the withering fire as the last Kaitok turned to face the threat.
Driving over the downed Morats, Sekhmet took out her heavy pistol, and with a boost of gas, kicked her back wheel out sweeping under the kaitok. With a great crash the heavy armored Morat fell to the ground as the bike swept around with a screech. With swift fingers she fanned the hammer into the alien, the heavy rounds thudding home and keeping the beast down for good.
Palavi poked her head back into the house and saw Maih and Fahim proping themselves against a wall administering their own first aid. Fahim gave Palavi a thumbs up. Nodding Palavi hefted her shot gun and sprinted towards the two story structure across the street. The streets were odly quiet as she came to a stop by the corner. According to her overlay, there should be a console right on the other side of the building. Sprinting around the corner she got to the console and quickly looked it over. It was very foreign, the symbols on the keypad were nothing like she had seen. She began pressing buttons at random but nothing was happening.
Question marks suddenly appeared on her comlog from Haroun, looking behind her, she saw him watching from the other side of the street, "Why don't you come over here and push these buttons, Tech Support?!"
Haroun shook his head and ducked back into the house.
"By Allah, I am a Doctor!" She yelled at the street as she picked up her shotgun and hit the butt on the keypad, "Not a hacker!"
The console suddenly beeped and came to life, data began pouring into her comlog.
"Oh...perhaps I can diversify."
A green thumbs up and a smiley face emoticons suddenly scrawled over her comlog from Haroun, making her groan. Taking a moment she launches herself into the air and up over the parapet of the second floor, going prone on the roof.
Further down the street, the CSU ran forward, his augmented legs making him extremely fast as he got to another of the consoles, and looking it over, found he had no idea how it worked. "Hey-yo Hokk-girl! I cant get this thingamabob to work!"
Khepri came running up behind him shooting a glare, "Khepri, my name is Khepri!"
"Eh, whuteva, tomatoe-tomatah. You able ta get this?"
"What? No, its in alien, I cant read it."
"Then whut are we here for huh?"
Turn 2
Smoke suddenly erupted along a two story building across the district, bathing the whole area in concealment. Neema suddenly exclaimed as she saw a shape moving through the smoke, and her missile launcher leapt to her shoulder, spouting flame as the projectile went streaking through the air, impacting with the Yaogat sniper. A few moments went by until suddenly a shot came streaking from the smoke, hitting her squarely in the chest, dropping her to the roof. Before Haley could figure out where the shot came from, another Yaogat sniper strode from the smoke on the second story of a building, and put two rounds into the Zhayedan, dropping her to the roof as well, wounded.
"Be warned, sniper on the roof top, second story building." She relaid into her comlog, swearing as her auto-medikit failed to diagnose the wound and activate.
Sekhmet revved her bike, "Ill move around on them!"
The bike roared as she took off, riding down the large wall of a warehouse, passed Khepri and the CSU still arguing over the console, and coming around the warehouse rear. An enemy CSU and a batroid dodged our of the way as she roared around, her heavy pistol firing. Thats when she saw the squad of Morats, and the daturazi behind a series of buildings. Her engine revved up as came screaming around the building, and behind the daturazi. Two shots from the Yaogat sniper hit her and the bike, but adrenaline kept her going. Her chain rifle spat shards of metal and chain down the street with a metalic shriek, as the Daturazi tried to slash at her with its strange axe, but the blade cut into the chain rifle, breaking it, but not before the alien took metal shards to its side, and the Dartok behind it taking some too. The white morat, Kornak, dodged out of the way before getting hit and snarled in frustration.
Sekhmet grined and kicked the bike back into gear, and raced towards the intimidating Morat officer. Slidding to a halt, she brought her pistol up, spitting out two shots, but the skilled alien brought his hide blade up, shielding himself from the shots, and then counter attacked, the blade slamming into the woman and knocking her down into the street, bleeding.
Khepri leaves the CSU behind, frustrated by the mercenary and darts along the warehouse, following behind Sekhmet. Running through the open, she dodges passed a narrow alley covered by the sniper, and posts up behind some shipping containers.
Turn 3
Kornaks angry roar could be heard across the district as he hefted his gun and came charging down the primary street and across the warehouse. Slamming open the door in the bottom floor, he scans the room finding nothing. Hearing the activity below her, Palavi began rolling along the roof top towards the roof access hatch, and pulling out her shotgun. She listened to the rampaging bull below her, until suddenly the hatch burst open and the white morat pulled himself up onto the roof. She didnt wait, the shotgun kicked as it sent a slug into the back of the alien, but his armor caught the round. Turning, he roared, opening up with his Mk12. Rounds burst around Palavi, as she rolled around the rooftop, racking another round and firing. Finally a round slammed into Palavi as she got to her feet, and slammed her back with the heavy round. Moving to the corner of the building, Kornak, began laying down supressive fire below.
Khepri heard the advance of an enemy soldier from the other side of the shipping containers. Moving carefully along the side, she came within sight of the ikadron first. A quick burst of her Breaker rifle put the remote down, and she quickly moved up the side, and let loose with her shotgun around the corner. The enemy CSU was caught by suprised byt managed to quickly fire off his nanopulsar, catching Khepri. The Namurr shook off the hit though, and moved into the warehouse to find another of the alien consoles. Quickly climbing up the ladder tot he second floor, she wrestled with the buttons for a few moments before activating the console. From the otherside of the warehouse, the CSU they hired poked his head in with a dumb grin, "Got the console beepin luv!"
Khepri groaned.
My opponent ran a Kaitok and Rindak Haris straight down the middle with his orders to eliminate my primary attack haris, and kill my Key Ops (Khawarij Doctor). This prevented him though from having anything captured first turn. Carmen and Batard (Sekhmet and Mau) also had a great deal of luck in their runs, the +4 ARM booty roll making most of what he threw at her bounce.
Mission: Superiority
OP: 9-0 Ramah - Morats
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