"'Aqid, we are tracking anti-orbital fire targetting the Halmeoni. Estimated impact of 31 minutes." The voice of a technician broke through the silence of the adh-Dhibs' bridge.
"Aye, send me the information. So much for Brutus and his cease fire, Surface Warfare, confirm trajectory." Fayaz Aafah responded, as a ding on his comlog announced the arrival of the afformentioned data. He was able to quickly confirm what was said, and began calmly relaying additional orders, "Helm, bring us 15 degrees clockwise rotation X axis, 20 degrees clockwise rotation Y axis. Ordinance and Gunnery get me intercept calculations and prepare to fire a Tor."
"'Aqid, we have confirmation of four launches, and calculations have all but 1 being a miss. The 1 appears to be a near miss, and we expect the Halmeoni's PDS to take care of it. Estimated impact is TM 31 minutes 22 seconds, weather depending."
"Understood, stand by and wait for confirmation that we see Halmeoni activating. Ping them and confirm they are tracking."
"Aye sir, Comms, confirm order?"
Another woman on the bridge, responded with a nod, "Comms confirming, contacting Halmeoni."
Fayaz sat back and crossed his legs, waiting for his order to be complete when another communications officer spoke up, "Sir, we have orders from HHC coming through for TF29. Orders include confirmation of reciept from us and preparation of medical and civilian facilities surface side."
"Understood, send confirmation and contact medical bay. Send the orders through to Maih. Prepare our two Roc's and personel to be placed under her authority for mission."
"Sir, Ordinance and Gunnery confirms load and are locked on target. Actively tracking."
Twenty minutes later Maih Aafah was projecting a district of Akhua to a conference room full of about fifteen of her soldiers, "This is Akhua Liesure District. With Brutus taking over the city and law enforcement being disrupted, Submondo has taken the opportunity to take it over. We have a number of innocent people getting caught in this gang warfare thats erupting. The mercenary soldiers under Brutus orders are also taking advantage, and the situation has deteriorated. Our objectives are too pull out as many people as we can, and set up a FOB on the edge of the district. We will be taking the MSMC dropship down, and onece the area and personel are secure, two Rocs with medical personel, and additional forces from Squads B and C will follow. Questions?"
"What is ROE?" Fahim asked.
"ROE is being sent, we will have other Sword of Allah forces in the area, so ensure you confirm target, there will also be civilians that we are rescueing, so confirm IFF marks."
"What enemy forces are we expecting?" Haley spoke up.
"Unconfirmed besides Submondo gangsters. It is Submondo though so they could have hired any kind of mercenaries. Again, if they are not flagged friendly, and are armed, they are hostile."
After waiting a few moments for additional questions, Maih continued, "Get your equipment ready, the dropship leaves in 15."
The dropship shook violently as the hard seats and harnesses dug into her butt and shoulders. Everything rattled, and Mau's growls and whines could be heard through the bay. Finally with a final thud, the ship was landed and the ramp opened, allowing the harnesses to release. Ripping her rifle from its secure retainer next her, Maih slammed a magazine home and racked the bolt, and yelled out, "Alright, were dirtside, lets move out! You have your individual orders so lets go!"
Sekhmets bike roared to life, the engine giving a gutteral rumble as Mau stretched and shook the ride from his bones. Moving forward, Asil took her fireteam into a large three story partment complex to provide over watch with Haley's and Neemas Missile Launchers. They had a wide sweaping area of fire infront of them into most of the AO as civilians were running around in panic. People filled the streets, and smoke rose from several areas. Maih with her MSV goggles, marksman rifle, Palavi the doctor, and Fahim with his Spitfire took up a house to the right of the apartment complex with Sekhmet and Mau, and her motorcycle, and Kephri, and the Rafiq Ein-213 along with an additional Rafiq and a couple Fanous spread out.
"I have JSA forces pushing through the civilians ahead." Came Haleys voice over the comlog. "Keisotsu on the roof top, motor cycles moving in the streets below."
Turn 1
"Confirmed." Maih responded, "Sekhmet, get some smoke out, cover us."
With a pop, the smoke grenade clangs down into the street outside of the house. The smoke begins billowing in the street as Fahim leads the way, moving quickly through it followed by Maih, and Palavi. Moving up to a corner of the next house, Fahim holds his hand up, peaking around the corner. At the end of the street, a Japanese man with dual katanas strides, making vulgar gestures and dangerous swings at the civilians, laughing. Stepping back from the corner, the large khawarij raises his spitfire and steps out, the assault weapon roaring as a stream of tracers flash down the street, impacting with the man. His form flashes, and a bashi bazouk appears briefly in the flash of blood as it collapses to the street. A brief shimmer on a roof top suddenly catches his eye, making him dive back into cover.
"Mimetic operatives on the roof, lets move back to the other side of the building."
Quickly leading the team along the side of the house, he comes out to the left, and catches sight of the Keisotsu with missile launcher looking down the street. Again leaning out form cover, the Khawarij's spitfire roar, the super soldiers accute accuracy leading the rounds straight into the Japanese soldiers chest, the woman falling back to the ground. Moving up further, he sights the mimetic field, tracers streaming into what appeared to be thin air before cracklses, sparks and air distortions reveals the Ryuken soldier as its optical disruptor fails and collapses with the operative.
"Moving up to the roof top to provide over watch." Fahim reports back to Maih as he braces and launches himself up and backwards onto the roof top. He catches sight of a domaru peaking out from cover as he is in the air, and with a snap the spitfire was at his shoulder, roaring with fire as he leapt behind the parapet of the house. The rounds, again finding purchase in their target, the heavy armor unable to stop the accurate fire as it hammered into it.
Khepri and Ein-213 were dashing between the houses, taking advantage of Fahims accurate and whithering fire. The Namurr quickly made it up to the house Fahim was using and vaulting up the walls and over the parapet she landed behind him, "On you Fahim."
The Khawarij nodded, "Understood."
Just then smoke erupted in the street below, obscuring their vision forward, and they heard the roar of a motorcycle coming up to the building. Khepri began moving along the roof as smoke blossomed ontop, completly engulfing Fahim as he began trying to dodge out of the smoke. Suddenly, a shadow darted over the roof top, and Khepris hairs stood up, prompting her to quickly draw her blade just in time for a monofilament katana to appear from the air, slashing down on her. The katana and scimitar locked at the hilt at Shinobu Kitsune made herself known. The woman was fast though, and with a flash the blade bit into Khepris arm before the Namurr could push her back. Another flash of monofilament to her stomach though and she gasped, collapsing back against the wall just as Fahim burst from the smoke and saw the scuffle.
Shinobu quickly darted around the super soldier, fast as lightning, raising her combi rifle before Fahim could draw his pistol, blasting rounds into his back. With a thud, the man fell to the roof top bleeding. The shadow quickly darted into the smoke and the corner of the building above Maih and Palavi.
Turn 2
"Sekhmet, we need you and your cat, clear the way for us!" Maih yelled over the comlog.
Sekhmet revved her engine and the motorcycle and large cat burst out of the house, the door flying off the bent and broken door frame. She landed heavily on the street, dropping smoke onto the alley to Yojimbo. Roaring around the corner, the multispectral visors showed Yojimbo's fuzzy form and she let loose with her chain rifle. The samurai managed to wheel his motorcycle out of the way in time though, but that only brought him in range of the wild biker. With a grin, Sekhmet pulled the sword from her sheath and burst forth from the smoke, her bike roaring. Yojimbo sent out a wave of nanopulsar at her, but she didnt care as her blade connected with the mans chest sending him flying off the bike and bleeding in the street. Wounded but undaunted, Sekhmet wheeled around and drove back to Mau who was waiting patiently, and they both quickly clambered up the wall of the house that Shinobu was hiding on, leaving her bike behind. Running along the roof top, Mau leapt over the ninja, trying to land on her with his claws, but she deftly dodged, only to run into Sekhmet, the womans skilled hand to hand abilities catching Kitsune off gaurd as the scimitar buried itself in her stomach.
With the adrenaline making its way out of her system, Sekhmet collapsed against the wall of the houses roof top, Mau laying down by her, "Hey Maih, backline should be good. Your good to go, I am taking a rest."
"Understood, thanks for the support Sekh. Palavi, lets move up." Maih said then calling up Haroun, "Haroun, move up the Fanous remotes, were moving towards the civilians."
Without a reply, the Fanous remotes moved up, taking positions behind houses. Maih began moving up between the buildings before she saw the form of a Japanese motorcycleist with a scyth. She quickly sent several teseum rounds down the street and into the bigger, slicing through the motorcycle and armor of the soldier and stopping them dead. Ein-213 seeing his connection to Khepri lost took initative, and began laying down suppresive fire to cover the civilians trying to run passed them, his synthetic chipper voice trying to provide directions, "Do not be alarmed. The Ramah Task Force is here to save you. Please remain calm and move passed us. Please ensure you are not armed or I will shoot you. Thank you!"
Pixie suddenly made herself known, as a mine exploded, the Nahabs quick reflexes helping her dodge the explosion as she moved in to secure a civilian motioning with her viral blade, "Who puts mines among civilians! Is that like a warcrime or something?!"
A Ryuken suddenly appeared behind Pixie, launching a rocket off over the heads of the civilians towards Haley and Neema, and impacts directly into the side of the building, shaking it as it explodes. Neema quickly raised her missile launcher, aims, and fires, the missile crashing through the side of the connex box he was hiding behind, and blasting him in the chest. A Karakuri and Yuriko took the opportunity to move up quickly, Yuriko planting another mine amongst a group of civilians before moveing along the wall to engage Ein-213.
Seeing the Japanese soldier with the rifle being raised, Ein-213 quickly responded with fire, the Red Fury opening up and sending Yuriko sprawled out into the street.
"Please ensure you are not armed or I will shoot you! Thank you! Arigato! Shukran!"
Turn 3
The Fanous-002 moves up behind a structure near the Karakuri, and Haroun smiles. Hes fingers and hands move along the holographic displays only he sees, shutting the remote soldiers systems down.
"Palavi, move up and get that civilian out of there!" Maih yells.
Nodding Palavi began running across the street.
"Warning!" Ein-213 yells out, "Mine detected. Please refraine from killing yourself good Doctor."
"Well, can you destroy it?!" Palavi yells back aross the courtyard.
Ein-213 beeps momentarily and then the Red Fury opens up, and a small explosion could be heard on the otherside of the sign Palavi was hiding behind.
"Affirmative Doctor Palavi."
Groaning, the doctor runs from behind the sign and to the civilian cowering on the street in the open, "I am Doctor Palavi of the Ramah Task Force, come with me!"
A sudden beep and whiring of servos could be heard as the karakuri only a few feet form her begins to reboot itself and raise its weapon.
"Haroun...HAROUN!!" Palavi yells into her comlog.
A series of emoticons depicting skulls and cross bones and chilled oh no faces scrawled across Palavis geist from Haroun.
The karakuri locked its gaze with Palavi just as it shut down again. A green checkmark from Haroun floated infront of Palavi's face. Grabbing the civilian by the color, the doctor dragged the man back towards their lines, throwing him behind a wall and raising her rifle.
The Keisotsu on the rooftop began to stand up to take out Fanous-002, the remote's targetting was too fast for them to counter. The first Keisotsu stood up, his shots going wide as Ein-213 and the Fanous both flashed him. When the second Keisotsu stood up, it was hit with both Haley and Neema's missile launchers. Finally the last resort was for the Karakuri to try and escape Harouns cordon of hacking area on its own, but the hacker was far too skilled. The moment the karakuri showed itself in the mayasphere, he disconnected it, frying its controls for good. The Japanese forces seeing no further advantage to pressing the attack began falling back
"Get the rest of the civilians to safety, JSA forces are falling back." Maih ordered.
This game went completly my way. The board played a big part in this as well, as we played on a board set up by people trying their hand at design and it turned into a valley type table with two big towers in both deployment zones that gave commanding positions. Mine had a more commanding position though with two core linked Missile Launchers (one being a Zhayaden), and his JSA force not having high burst long range weaponry. Breaking out of my deployment zone was not easy but two well placed smoke grenades let me get out and get under range of the enemy ARO's. Carmens NBW and MA Level 1 also saved my lines from Kitsune and Yojimbo running rampant.
Scenario: Rescue
Score: 4-1 Ramah-JSA
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