Tuesday, June 13, 2023
New Hypatia: The Rain
The rain could be heard, gently patering on the door to one of the ahd-Dhib's hangers. It extended out passed the hull of the ship when it was lowered, and could be used, as it was now, as a porch. Sitting just inside the hanger on a folding chair, his leg crossed over a knee was a large man. His brown beard extended from a cracked and tanned face, his large hands dwarfing an ancient hardcover book. On a small table next to him was a steaming mug of tea. The loud steps of combat boots hailed the arrival of another individual, his well kept, ancient naval uniform in stark contrast to the shirtless, well muscled man.
"You know, there has been a blinking light on the bridge for the last hour, letting us know a bay door was open and getting wet." Captain Aafah said, a slight amount of teasing in his voice.
Turning a page of the book with a suprising amount of rippling muscle, Qadim answered without looking up, "I always wondered if you were able to turn those lights off. Perhaps a bit of tape over it?"
"You know, taping over a bridge console of a warship sounds perfectly within regulation."
Leaning against the strut of the bays door, and crossing his arms, Fayaz Aafah looks out over the water beyond the dock and at the city, blurred by the light rain. Qadim continued to read peacefully as he took a sip of tea. The two men sat quietly, enjoying the sound of the rain, and the smell of the water. Two uncommon sensations to the crew of a star fareing vessel. The dark circles under the Captains eyes spoke to the stress he was under. The Nomad and Haqqislam quantronic warfare specialists had finally just now succeeded in driving off the rogue AI's tendrils, and were making contact with Haqqislam High Command the O-12 ship in orbit, Halmeoni. Fayaz thought it a good opprotunity to take a break from the bridge and get some air.
"I had heard of the works of Shakespear in some of my literature courses, and of course read the translations on Maya. I must say though, reading an original copy of his works compiled, that is a much more interesting experience."
Qadim, using a silk bookmarker to mark his spot, gently closed the ancient book and set it on the table. Taking the mug of tea, the shirtless khawarij leaned back in his seat, sighing.
"I thought you might find it interesting. I have pulled it down from my shelves a couple of times to read through it. It was a wonderful find when we made a patrol by Earth, sitting in an ancient used bookstore in London." Fayaz responded.
"London? Where is that?"
"It is the capitol of the United Kingdom. The ships medical staff were participating in a medical outreach program, providing clinics to impoverished nations."
Nodding Qadim understood, taking a sip of tea.
"Where is your shirt by the way?" Fayaz asked.
"He was working out with me for a while." A voice said, announcing the arrival of Fahim, another member of the Khawarij.
Fahim was wearing a loose, white jubba, his hair and beard still wet from a recent shower.
"I was merely taking a moment to myself before getting cleaned up, my friend. I see you were fine bathing yourself?" Qadim said with a smile.
"I am debating whether the aroma I am smelling is you or the harbor." Fahim quiped back with a chuckle, before nodding to Fayaz, "Good evening Captain, I see Allah has finally granted you some respite?"
Qadim put on an overly shocked face, and put down his tea. Standing up the 6'8" super soldier dwarfed the captain as he stretched, "Well Captain, it appears my aroma is putting people at odds. I shall retire to the washroom. Inshallah, hopefully there is enough soap!"
Standing next to Fayaz, Fahim looked out at the city of New Hypatia.
"We come for a simple repair and get stuck dealing with a Rogue AI's tantrum." he sighs.
"Allah only knows if that is all it is." Fahim responded crossing his arms over his chest and stroking his beard, "Have we gotten reconnected to High Command?"
"That is happening now. We should have a report soon."
Behind them in the hangar bay, activity was increasing as other members of the ship and Task Force 29 began various exercises and maintenance activities. the rain was steadily increasing into torrential sheets as it beat against the lowered doors, the smell of the rain wafting into the bay. Some others without tasks began milling about the open doors, getting some fresh air and watching the rain. A couple of the naval personel were sure to salute Fayaz as he turned and began heading back into the ship. He was pinged on his commlog as he left the bay, "Captain, sending you the report on current events from HHC, and O12."
Standing to the side of the corridor, he quickly scanned the report, frowning. The situation was more chaotic than he was expecting.
"Sir we have distress beacon from the Halmeoni, it appears to be overtaken by the Combined Army!" The junior officer reported into his commlog suddenly.
"Do we have the docking locks under control?" Fayaz asked back.
"Not yet sir. Controls appear to be on an isolated network."
"Then how does Brutus have-nevermind. We are blasting the locks, the Nomads can bill us for damages later. Sound general quarters, and get me Ra'id Aafah on the bridge. I need information on the docks layout around us and any areas of interest. I am on my way."
An alarm began ringing in the ship as red lights turned on. The ship turned into a hive of activity as naval personel ran for stations. It was time for the ahd-Dhib to leave and Fayaz was tired of waiting, straightening the old deep blue naval jacket he made his way to the bridge.
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