Thursday, June 8, 2023
Characters of Task Force 27 Part 2
The following are characters that have made appearances in the Task Force and are semi-permanent:
Raqib Haroun El-Mofty (Hacker) - Haroun is a recluse. When aboard the ship, he is often found in the qunatronic control suite assisting the Nomad hackers, or in his bunk, surfing Arachne and Mayanet at the same time. In the field, he is quiet and efficient, preffering to be left to his own devices and achieving his given mission in his own way, he will often be admonissioned for his communications style of emoticons across the units geists rather than full speech.
Raqib Qadir Kader (FO) - The one often assigned to translate Harouns communications style, often jokingly refered to as Harouns big sister, which she despises. The two get along as well as water and oil, and would preffer not having to interact with the recluse. Her proffesionalism and direct communications are in stark contrst to her coworker, and is often chosen for missions over Haroun due to this.
Janissary Corps
Kolagasi Tadashi Binici (AP Rifle) - The leader of the Jannissary detachment aboard the adh-Dhib. He is an intelligent and resourceful man, with a strong faith in Haqqislam. A veteran Jannissary of many campaigns, he is often on the bridge providing his own tactical insights.
Mülâzım-ı Sani Paavo Kartal (HMG) - The Jannissary Corps machine gunner, she is a jovial and familiar figure in the squad bay, often leading games or drills. A very active individual, it is rare to see her sitting still unless doing maintenance on her weapon.
Onbaşı Xun Teke (BSG and Tinbot) - The units auxilary information warefare specialist. Xun knows enough about quantronic warfare to provide a modicum of protection to the unit. He keeps his Tinbot close at hand and in pristine order. He often will be chatting with the Nomads contingent in his free time, learning the ins and outs of quantronic warfare, to which the Nomads happily teach such an enthusiastic student.
Onbaşı Ignatia Macar (Missile Launcher) - Ignatia is small for a Jannissary, and always has been. Her suit is specially modified to accomodate her short stature by having built in ambulatory extensions. This doesnt stop her form being a crack shot though. She has been known to slip her missiles into hard to reach places, and hit targets who thought themselves safe.
Çavuş Abas Solak (Akbar Doctor) - Abas is a celebrated doctor. A renowned Physician before joining the corps, he is probably the best doctor aboard the adh-Dhib and will often open a temporary clinic wherever the ship docks, providing his knowledge and expertise whever they go for free. Due to this, he is often the best doctor whever they end up and is in high demand even before the landing or docking sequence completes for the ship. His smiling, grey haired face is a welcomeing sight.
Asawira Corps
Naqib Sharifa Mostafa (AP Spitfire) - A cold and calculating hunter, Mostafa is the leader of the attached Asawira Corp. Deftly profficient in both gun and blade, she is a whirling dervish of destruction upon the battlefield, and when connected to the rest of her team has seen oppenents decimated before them.
Mulazim Zahra Soliman (Doctor) - A devoutly religious woman, she is the moral and theological pillar of the group. She is often found performing religious exercises and rituals for the unit as a whole. On the field, her skills in combat come forth in her defense of Haqqislam, and the protection of her compatriots.
Mulazim Rana Youssef (Rifle/DA CCW) - A self proclaimed blademaster, she is seen honing her skills for long hours in the training facilities. Often asking for duels or training sessions from others, she has traveled far and wide to learn an array of martial arts. Many liken her to an ancient samurai, traveling the land and learning the blade.
Hassassin Govads
Sarjukhe Ava Hakimi (Engineer) - The Govads squad leader, Ava is one of the rare survivors of the Equinox War. She has seen most of her passed squadmates and friends killed by the terrorist group Equinox, and its made her a closed off, and hard individual. This comes out in an extremely tough and dedicated training regimen for her unit.
Sarbaz yekom Nasrin Paria (Sniper) - A patient hunter, who lives by the mantra one shot, one kill. A former Lasiq sniper, she was transfered to the Govads to assist in the units rebuild. Providing over watch for her team during missions, she provides accurate and timely communications on enemy movement and weapon systems, and this is often used by Arman, the units heavy weapons specialist.
Sarbaz yekom Arman Babak (Missile Launcher) - Arrogance and Armon go hand in hand. While its not misplaced, it is perhaps over the top. Arman is a skilled and seasoned soldier, formerly of the Ghulam regiments before being found by the forces of the Old Man of the Mountain. He now puts his skills to good use for the Hassassins, even if they do have to put up with his bravado.
Sarbaz yekom Soroush Bahram (Hacker) - Formerly a black hat hacker for a biomedical firm in Al'Medinat. The firm was disolved by the Hassassins due to its illegal and unethical practices that were uncovered by an anonymous source. Soroush was a target of high priority though in the fallout, and he was given an offer by the Hassassins, join them and use his skills for the good of Haqqislam, or never find employment again on Bourak. Soroush was not opposed to the Hassassins ideals, and he readily joined up, using his skills for the good of humanity.
Sarbaz yekom Jasmine Reza (HMG) - Jasmine, former name unknown, was a talent stolen from the Jannissary Corps. A heavy gunner by trade, her unit was mostly wiped out on the Paradiso Front at the Ghezirah Space Elevator, herself being severely injured. During recovery, she was approached with an offer to join the Govads. Her old life ended, and her new life as Jasmine began. The former Jannissary dieing of her wounds suddenly in the hospital bed. Since then, she has provide assault and fire suppression capabilities to the unit.
Alya Davani - Alya is a different type of Fiday. She will often times focus on covert information gathering and espionage activities. She will wait for the right opprtunity to strike to weaken the enemy forces, working closely and in concert with Task Force 29 and its objectives. Maih Aafah knows that if Alya greats her, then the Old Man has a mission.
Sotvan yekom Ahmad Kabiri - Growing up in the Tuareg tribes, Ahmad already had a great deal of survival training in the desert. Following the legends of the Hassassins, he ventured into the Azar desert, seeking the Old Man. He traveled for weeks, surviving as he could off the sands. When finally he was nearing the end of his skills, he found the Hassassins, or rather, the Hassassins made themselves known to him. Since then he has served faithfully in the Farzan corp, providing training and lessons to both new Hassassin members and members of other militaries needing desert survival training.
Sotvan yekom Fariba Rajavi - Fariba is a survivalist and scholar. Not only is she trained by the Tuareg in desert survival, she traveled the jungles of Aconticimento, and the tundras of Svarlheima. She is the very deffinition of survivalist, able to thrive in any biome. When shes not physically training, she is mentally training, reading the Quran, and the Bible. She reads the texts of Marx, Bakunin, Confusious, and Sun Tzu. Her teachings in the Order are long, and complex as she describes philosophical points in broad and deep points. When Task Force 29 is working with other national entities, she is often seen at the side of Maih to assist in cultural translation.
Sarjukhe Daria Jahandar (Hacker) - Daria and her twin sister Nasrin, had the unique opportunity of having employment right after graduation of their university class. Employed at a information security company called "Faraheed Information Solutions", they worked as cybersecurity specialists. The fact that this company had no headquarters, or point of contact, and that the job entailed 100% travel did seem odd though. Daria had unique skills that the Barids wanted in conjunction with her sister, as such they were given fake jobs after graduation, and inducted into the Hassassin order. There they wer given combat training, and powerful black market quantronic devices to assist in their task of cyberwarfare.
Sarjukhe Nasrin Jahandar (Killer Hacker) - Similiar to her sister, Nasrin is young, and idealistic. A devoted follower to the Hassassin and Haqqislamite ways, she was the primary driver for bringing her sister into the Hassassins when they reached out to the pair. She sees the megacorporations and great powers as a danger to the humanist ideals. Panoceania sees profit at the expense of lives, Yu Jing's collective ideals see the sacrifice of individuals for the advancement of the State, Nomads individualism and libertarian, and anarchic ideals see those who cannot survive, die. Humanity must look after itself, and lift up the weakest elements. She will bring about this change through quantronic space, bringing cybernetic ruin to any companies or individuals profiting off the suffering of people.
Nema-3 (Viral Rifle) - It is unsure if the pseudo-ai programming of this Sunduqbut is glitched, or if it is workign properly, but one thing is certain, Nema-3 is psychotic, perhaps sadistic.
Sotvan yekom Liu Wan (AP Rifle) - A Yu Jingese expat, Liu was a skilled Invincible operative. A member of the Shang Ji, and skilled in many things from search and rescue, to asset recovery, to direct action. He was killed during the Commercial conflicts, but his personal belief in honor regardless of nationality, set him at odds with the Party. On the battlefield, he worked closely with a Knight Hospitalar to protect a Ramah Task Force medical camp safe from a Yu Jing mining corporation driving them out. He was directly ordered to move the beligerents by any means necessary, but he saw it as dishonorable to attack a medical camp, and stood his ground. When he died a few missions later, his cube was stored and blacklisted. Thats when the Old Man came to him with an offer. A premium lhost, and a place in the Hassassins so long as he forsook his Yu Jing oaths, and dedicated himself to the ways of Haqqislam. Since then, he has never looked back. His skills and dedication working towards saving the lives of countless Haqqislamite citizens, and even those of other nations when the need arises, and he is not chastized or blacklisted for it, but rather praised.
Sotvan yekom Anahita Afshar (SMG/Flammenspear) - To say Anahita was a failure of the Sunurr program would be not entirely correct. The program did not fully work on her, but she was still capable of service. Due to the programs tenants though the doctors could not be sure that there would be conflicts to her body further down the road so she was disharged. To have a super soldier fail the program is not seen as a dishonor though, and the state supports you well, and so do the people. You worked to progress the human ideal, and that is of the utmost admiration. That does not fill the void in your being though, the sense of loss of purpose. Forsaking all of the state benefits, Anahita died, allowing the Old Man to resurect her into the Hassassin order. Here she found new purpose, and a new drive for being. It is still unknown if she is entirely unaffected by the failed experiment, she does sometimes black out under stress after all, only to awaken to a blood filled battlefield.
Sotvan yekom Leila Nouzari (Rifle/Panzerfaust) - Leila spent much of her life hunting the deadly wild life of the Azar Desert on Bourak, up to and including the Kum tribes. Cold blooded, and emotionless, the only thing that she feels is the slight joy of watching the target in her sights stop moving.
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