Task Force 27 is a Haqqislamite unit of the Ramah Task Forces Razia detachment. With the units birthplace being that of the Qapu Khalqi, after the events of Wotan they were transfered and retrained under the Ramah Task Force. Being members originally of the Qapu Khalqi, their experience and capabilities towards boarding action, direct interdiction, and spaceborne combat made them natural members of the Razia Detachment. Aboard the HNS Razia the unit was rebuilt and provided additional resources to expand their capabilities. Their achievements during the events of Wotan continued into their next conflict as full members of the RTF, in that of the Kurage Crisis.
The Kurage crisis was an especially brutal campaign that Task Force 29 took part. Seeing a lot of combat against the Onyx forces that had infiltrated Dawn, they quickly became experts of fighting the Combined Army. They worked closely with their Nomad allies in defense of their holdings on the island, and in taking part is fast interdiction, direct actions against alien forces. This culminated in a mission, that while successful, can only be described as a pyrrhic victory at best. The unit was tasked with the elimination of an aspect of the EI, an Avatar. While the alien forces were ultimatly annihalted, the unit suffered 80% casualties, making them completly combat innefictive and forced their withdrawal from the conflict.
In the intervening year, Task Force 29 rebuilt its forces, retrained, and requiped. In this time, they were transfered from the HNS Razia to a new ship, the HNS adh-Dhiʼb, or Wolfs Star in old Turkish. This was a Qapu Khalqi vessel, built with state of the art technology as an infowar and stealth light cruiser. Fast, and with a Nomad contingent manning its cybersuite, it was a marvel of cooperation, and an excellent tool for extending Haqqislamite influence. From this vessel, Task Force 29 made its sorties. From pirate hunting, to humanitarian efforts, they were well equiped and well supplied for many different missions. This would become most evident during the Asteroid Blues incident on the edge of Human Sphere, on the Astroidal Colony of Novvy Bangkok.
Novvy Bangkok was a known Caravansery to Task Force 29, and one they had been to before during their outer patrols. Situated on a trade lane, it can be well described as a "frontier town". While the HNS adh-Dhiʼb was not in the vicinity at the beginning of the crisis, it was quickly redeployed to the asteroid in response to the discovery of a Combined Army infiltration. The unit aquited itself very well in the conflict, providing fast and efficient interdictions. Their experience fighting the Combined Army proved very beneficial, succeeding in all missions against the EI threat. Tensions became very heated during engagements against stubborn Ariadnan forces briefly, but in the end, the operation in the end was deemed a complete success, with all mission objectives having been successfully achieved. It was not long after this though that Task Force 29 was drawn into continues fighting as the Combined Army began multiple offensives around the sphere.
From orbital route to orbital route, and system to system, Task Force 29 chased down Combined Army incursions and threats like a game of whack-a-mole. This eventually culminated in the home of Human Sphere itself, Concillium. HNS adh-Dhiʼb was within the blockade during the attack acting as an interference and cyber-defense force. Eventually as the fleet was broken through, the ship was ordered to disengage and take its complement to Durgama where EI forces were landing en-mass. During the fighting, it was uncovered that Equinox Forces had infiltrated and collaborated with the Darpan Research Group. This immediatly recieved priority in the theater from Haqqislam High Command, and Task Force 29 made multiple sorties into the station to root out this enemy of the Human Sphere. These missions again would see success, and further achievements and awards provided to the unit.
At this time, the units resources and mission capabilities are tremendous. With a compliment of two Maghariba Guard permanently assigned, they are very busy. The unit continues fighting for the greater good of humanity, hunting down alien forces, pirates, and defending Haqqislamite interest around the sphere. It is even believed that the unit has been tapped by the Old Man on the Mountain, but no evidence has collaborated this idea.
اضرب مثل البرق.
Aidrib mithl albarqi.
"Strike like Lightning."
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