Friday, July 7, 2023

Operation Walrus: The Amir and the Khawarij Assault Chalcis Theme Park Part 2

Task Force 29 quickly advanced into the theme park after whiping out the initial defense. Tarik and the Khawarij remained on the left flank, as Asil and her team moved further right with the rafiq's and fanous remotes. Sekhmet taking lead of the force and the CSU continueing to follow, documenting any damage caused. Arrayed ahead of them though was a second line of defense of Nomads. A Gator held the right flank with a Stygmata, backed up by a zondbot attached to a Monstrucker. A Salamndra hid in the back waiting, while the left flank was a group of Uberfallcommando, but these lay right under the sights of Haley, and Neema, the twin Missile Launchers.

Turn 1:
The Nomads wasted no time as a Heckler ran up into the center of the line, tossing out a Fast Panda into the middle of Asils team. While the Heckler was gunned down, the Salamandra's pilot disembarked and began using Trinity on Haroun. The Hacker worked feverishly setting up firewalls, and trying to fight off the quantronic intrusion, after a few moments though his eyes rolled back and he collapsed. There was no time to check on him though as Ein-213 beeped, the remote was being quantronically assaulted as well. Thankfully its firewalls held. The Gator moved to a better covering position, and launched two mines on the path towards it, and began suppressing.

Sekhmet roared towards the Nomads, beginning the offensive. Mau loped beside her, and went charging around a utility building. While the cat was able to dodge the mine that exploded, the Gator supressing the alley was more accurate. Rounds impacted into the thick hide of the beast, and it collapsed. Sekhmet quickly veered to the side, "Hey Amir! Take care of this thing!"

"We are already advancing, do not do anything rash!" Tarik responded, the Khawarij already running up the alley.

They got to the structure quickly, and Tarik began trading shots with the Gator, wounding each other, but not progressing.

"Ugh! I have an idea! I hope you can take advantage." Sekhmet said before screaming out from cover around the building.

She took a smoke grenade out and tossed it down the street, covering the khawarij as rounds hit her and the bike, tossing her to the pavement. With a thud, she slid and rolled into a banner board, knocking her out of the fight. Tarik cursed under his breath as he saw the action, but knew it was his teams chance. Pulling his giant scimitar, Rashid and Khadim did the same, as they raced into the smoke. Qadim and Rashid broke from the smoke, their scimitars flashing in the light as they cut into the TAG, severing its legs, and driving them deep into the torso. They quickly sheathed their blades, and darted behind the same billboard that Sekhmet fell. Qadim did a quick medical check found her stable but too far gone to assist in battle. He tagged her quantronically for evacuation and moved with the rest of the team.

On the right flank, the Rafiqs moved forward, Rafiq-002 connected to and synchronized with a console of interest. The data they found was huge, but too much to decipher on the field. The remote set up a tunnel to the adh-Dhib for review, and moved to the corner of a giant structure, getting sight on the Uberfallcommandos. It quickly set a quantronic spotlight on the chimera, and relayed information to the shaytaniya. A rocket suddenly shot into the air, a trail of smoke showing where it was going. It arced over head and slammed down directly onto the chimera.

Turn 2:
The Salamandra took point of the Nomad forces as it leaped up on a roof, giving it visibility to Tarik hiding behind the billboard, and catching the Amir unaware. The HRMC blasted and knocked him to the ground. The Stygmata then took an offensive path, coming around the building that Rashid and Qadim were taking cover behind, both tried ot dodge the TAG's weapons, the heavy rocket launcher fired continouesly impacting first Rashid and then Qadim putting them down.

With the path open, the Salamander advanced, its HRMC spinning up again as it got site of Ein-213. The remote tried to tag the TAG but got its leg shot out before it had a chance. Seeing what was happening, Neema raised her missile launcher, and hunkered down behind a half wall, waiting. It was not long before the TAG stepped out from the corner, raising its heavy weapon, but it never had a chance as the armor piercing, explosive rocket impacted directly in its chest, cutting through the armor, and exploding. The TAG was decimated. The Stygmata then began moving out towards a console, passing across a narrow alley, but this did not get passed Haley's keen eyes as she quickly aimed and fired her missile launcher. The rocket streaked down the alley, between buildings, and impacted into the TAG's armored shoulders, knocking it off balance but not out of the fight. A Fanous also tried to contest the TAG's advance as it tried overloading its optics. While it was unsuccessfull, the Stygmata was unable to land its own weaponry as well. With time and resources running out, the remote pilote thought it best to simply access the consol and begin tunneling the data and ignore the Fanous remotes. While the pilot was successfull, the TAG temporarily lost its optics. A zondbot attempted to run the gap the TAG did, but Haley's missile obliterated it. With all options exhausted, and their defense forces all but depleted, the Nomads quickly began to withdraw from the field, allowing the RTF forces to push forward.

While the Nomad player played a bit more seriously, he was hit with more aggression and speed than he thought was possible, along with a lucky Missile Launcher crit on the Salamander which he only made 1 save from, putting it fully to dead and not giving his engineer a chance to fix it. The Khawarij were able to get 2 of the haris on the Gator in smoke, and while both have NBW, the Khawarij B2 and CC22 won it out for them, getting a critical hit which the Gator was unable to make either save for. By the end of Turn 2, neither of us had any real attack pieces left, but I had more models to draw from, along with a 4 man Core.

Mission: Superiority
OP: 7-3

Operation Walrus: The Amir and the Khawarij Assault Chalcis Theme Park Part 1


The RTF FOB was bustling with civilians, and soldiers. A quick deploy wall surrounded the compound, patrol by several different units as the Taurags Chasha and Aharon patrolled the streets like shadows. Food and medical supplies were given out to the displaced citizens as gangers are found and arrested. Maih had her rifle slung over her shoulder as she walked around, checking on her soldiers and their jobs. Her geist suddenly notified her that she had a message and objective list from Haqqislam High Command. Opening the comlog, she saw that an offensive was ordered on the Chalcis Themepark and that she will be second to another officer taking charge of the offensive. Rogue elements of the Nomad Nation were dug in with armor and it was her units job to push them out. As she finished her reading, she noticed the sounds of a commotion coming from the area of the compounds landing pads.

She made her way quickly to the airfield where she quickly found the source of the disturbance. The massive form of a khawarij stood among a crowd, shaking hands and smiling, his bright white teeth flashing in contrast to his dark brown, almost black beard. Flanked by Fahim, Rashid, and Qadim, Amir Tarik Mansuri made an imposing sight, but his bright and friendly nature appeared to be drawing the crowd, mostly civilians. The Amir made himself busy handing out small candies to the children and holding them up on his shoulders, which given his stature gave them a great ride. Maih pushed through the crowd, and saluted Tarik, "Amir, as-salam! Welcome to Beta Base in Akhua."

"Ra'id Maih Aafah I presume? Wa-alaikum-salam. You are doing good work here, the people seem happy and healthy." Tarik smiled and put down the children before returning the salute.

The two began walking through the base, Maih giving a tour of their area, "Its all thanks to the wonderful doctor corp of the adh-Dhib. Red light areas, and black market district on any world tend to have many in need of medical attention and food, so that has been our priority, our secondary priority of rooting out gangers to keep the peace."

"Wonderful work here. To change topics slightly, I assume HHC has informed you of our mission? I will be relying on you and your unit in this upcoming engagement. Are your troops ready?"

"My Amir, they are always ready. It will be honor to follow you." activating her Comlog, Maih sent a message to the rest of her unit, "Gear up for an assault operation and meet at the airfield in 30 minutes."

Tarik and Maih stood at the front of the assembled soldiers as the massive man began speaking to them, "Our mission is simple, we have rogue Nomad elements sitting in control of the Chalsis Park. Nomad High Command and Haqqislam High Command have jointly approved an assault on the area to push these forces out. We have information that they are utilizing TAG's in great numbers, so ensure your are armed respectively. I will be taking command while Ra'id Aafah will be supporting in battlefield intelligence. The company over seeing the Chalcis Virtual Theme Park has sent one of its CSU to accompany us in the field and to over see any problems that may occur to facility. Now, any questions? No? Then load up."


The Roc touched down in an open area infront of the theme park. The remotes and soldiers filed out, checking weapons and equipment before checking for deployment instructions on their comlogs. Maih and Tarik looked over the theme park infront of them before she said, "This will be the first time I have fought in a theme park."

"Trust me, Ra'id, when I say it will be interesting."

Waveing his hand to the soldiers to begin deploying, Maih found a large three story building to overlook the theme park from. Taking apair of powerful binoculars from her belt she began scanning the AO, and quickly picked up multiple TAG's.

"Amir, I am picking up a Gator, Stigmata, Salamandra, and Gecko supported by a couple of Moderators, a salyut, and two Transductor Zonds, all of them hiding in cover, and appear to be waiting to ambush. Sekhmet and your team appear to have a straight path forward available."

Acknowledging the intelligence Task Force 29 spread out, Tarik, leading Rashid and his Mk12, and Qadim the Doctor on the left flank with a Kameel, Shaytaniha, and a fanous. Asil and her team of Haley, the Zhayedan Missile Launcher, Haroun the Hacker, Neema the Missile Launcher, and Talibah the Doctor standing on over watch. Ein-213, the Red Fury Rafiq, and another Rafiq took up the right flank. The assigned CSU deployed with the additional Rafiq, and Sekhmet and Mau took a forward position, the motorcycle reving.

Turn 1:

Tarik's team and Sekhmet took the initiative as the motorcycle roared forward into the holographic landscape of a Japanese town. Tarik and the khawarij bounded forward, moving quickly through the streets until they achieved the right flank of the Nomads, guarded by a Gator. The Amir raised his rifle, quickly putting heavy and accurate rounds into the TAG, damaging it significantly and forcing it to fall back. To get better line of sight on the TAG, Tarik leapt into the street, his rifle firing. He took a round to his shoulder armor, but the whithering and heavy fire put the tag down. Sekhmet roard up them and tassed smoke, covering the street and allowing the khawarij to move forward. coming around a utility building, Tarik's underslung shotgun roared into a Moderator taking cover there, the heavy rounds putting him to the ground. moving up along the side, Rashid activated his multispectral visor, and raised the Mk12. The heavy rifle sent rounds ripping into the Stygmata beyond the smoke, and put it out of commission.Seeing the Salamandra beyond the wreckage of the Stygmata, Rashid fired again, doing minor damage to the heavy TAG.

The Rafiqs and Fanous remotes quickly moved forward pushign their frontline up.

The Salamandra was the first to respond quickly, swinging the large HRMC around and tearing up the area around Rashid, hitting him and wounding him. The TAG then turned its gun to Haley in a tower looking down on the field. The HRMC spat fire at the Zhayedan, but she remained calm, and fired several missiles, all impacting the TAG directly, a fireball of an explosion rolling up into the air. With the loss of the Salamandra, the Nomad forces began retreating further into the theme park.

Conclusion: After Turn one, Nomads had nothing to really work with, and with the Khawarij team in their backfield, and remotes taking the mid field, the opponent conceded. This was a "meme" list that he wanted to try and unfortunately, really demands first turn, but with Tarik and his team being so fragile I chose to go first, taking the advantage from him. If I did not have Tarik though I would have been hard pressed to stop the TAG march as Ramah does not have a lot in the way of AP. Luck was with me.

Mission: Superiority

Score: 10-0 OP

The Journey Home Part 5

A crackle and hiss was all the warning Caleb got for the large Haqqlisamite to grab the young Nomad engineer under the floor panel and yank...